keep in mind that all feeling and happenings when on any drug is coming from within. meaning, with a little practice you can trip all the time with out the drug. oh, and taking it everyday will make you trip all the time without the drug. or at least for the next 6 months or so. it makes it hard to live though, as everything kinda shifts from reality and into its own acid like world with crzy rules. you will also create a tolerance and have to double up.
it has been 2 years since my last hits. i can still trip if i conjure up the thought pattern. if you do enough, it will never leave you fully.
do it up- remember LSD changes your the physcal structure of your brain. you know the way its wired.
i did this all the time. about 8 years ago. most likely consumed over 500 hits in me life. like over doing any drug it has last left its marks. it is still my favorite though.
if you think about it, get some marshmellows and a black light. go in an all white room and bring out the marshmellows with the black ligth on. its like your on the moon...
try to experiment with as much as possible while on the drug, at least then you can justify your scars. listen to classical music really loud when your peeking, get out the bible and a picture of jesus. recorder your trip on audio tape. record your self on video and talk. think about the fact that you are being captured by the tape when you are talking. look into the lens... deep into the lens...
einsten has said to understand electricty when became an electron riding in a wire. he visualized to his fullest extent. the use of lsd will allow you to do this.
oh yeah and i cant spell nor do i mind.