Bolton book, Ukraine aid freeze tied to Biden


Well-Known Member
Don't the republican senators understand, the evidence will emerge?

Since when are lies written in books truth?

Bolton was part of the Bush /Clinton crime family He and they were/are war hawks. DJT wants to stop these military industrial complex money making wars. Why DJT didn't know that when he hired Bolton does give pause as to whether he is controlled


Well-Known Member
Witness? You mean the unknown witness who the Dems refuse to produce so it can be cross examined? You really swallow their shit
The one that has legal protections to not be publicly outed by their government?

The one that has had everything they said they witnessed collaborated by the people who were mentioned that refused to listen to Trump's blanket ban on speaking to the Congress?

Yeah, you are the one swallowing shit if you think this guy has anything to add to the conversation that the key observers like Mulvaney and Bolton have to say.


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Fox News hosts' about-face on John Bolton

John Bolton used to be a paid contributor on Fox News before leaving to become President Donald Trump's national security adviser, but now Bolton is a target for criticism from some of the network's personalities. CNN's Brian Stelter reports.


Well-Known Member
Here is Donald right on cue, threatening a witness, entirely expected and no doubt anticipated by Bolton. I wonder what Chief Justice Roberts thinks about this! Donald publicly refuted and commented on Boltons assertions thereby negating privilege.
White House has issued formal threat to Bolton to keep him from publishing book

Washington (CNN)The White House has issued a formal threat to former national security adviser John Bolton to keep him from publishing his book, "The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir," sources familiar with the matter tell CNN.

The White House had no comment. Neither Bolton nor a spokesman for the publisher, Simon & Schuster, responded to a request for comment.
The letter comes in the midst of President Donald Trump attacking Bolton on Twitter, and Bolton's lawyer accusing the White House of corrupting the vetting process for Bolton's book by sharing the contents of the book with those outside the National Security Council's Records Management Division.

Trump's tweets attacking Bolton Wednesday morning suggested he knew the contents of the manuscript.



Well-Known Member
The White House has issued an official threat to Bolton not to publish his book.
I'm sure Bolton anticipated this and will probably go to court and or publish anyway, Bolton is an asshole, but a smart and vindictive one. If he wants a spot in the history books, now is his chance to get a good one. If he testifies it will turn up the heat on the GOP and Donald, a lot might be at stake, if not in the trial, then in november.


Well-Known Member
White House: "The letter, dated Jan. 23, claims the book "contains significant amounts of classified information" that could "cause exceptionally grave harm" to U.S. national security.".

In a more reality-aligned rewording: "contains significant amounts of incriminating facts, evidence and information" that could "cause further irreparable harm and embarrassment to Trump personally, and his entire administration".
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Well-Known Member
Here is another of the current knives in Donald's back, Leak'n Lev, everybody's favorite rat, seems he got an invite to attend the impeachment trial from someone, a democrat no doubt. Maybe he wants a preview of the venue where he will squeal his head off! Ya gotta lov Lev, he knows what pushes Donald's buttons and ya just know this does.
Lev Parnas arrives on the Hill to listen to Senate impeachment trial

Washington (CNN)Lev Parnas, an indicted associate of Rudy Giuliani, arrived Wednesday morning on Capitol Hill to listen to President Donald Trump's impeachment trial. Parnas, flanked by his attorney Joseph Bondy and others, made his way from Union Station to the Capitol while walking among a throng of reporters.

It's unclear where Parnas will be watching the proceedings from, as a federal judge on Tuesday denied his request to have his GPS device removed, thereby quashing his request to attend the trial because Senate rules do not permit any electronic devices in the gallery.
Asked whether anything specific would be submitted by them to lawmakers during Wednesday's proceedings, Parnas and Bondy said they didn't plan to do so. The purpose of their presence, they said, was to "watch (a) momentous event."

Parnas said his goal is "to look at these senators and have them look at me and see we need to call witnesses ... me and (former national security adviser) John Bolton ... the two of us put all the dots together."


Well-Known Member
White House: "The letter, dated Jan. 23, claims the book "contains significant amounts of classified information" that could "cause exceptionally grave harm" to U.S. national security.".

In a more reality-aligned rewording: "contains significant amounts of incriminating facts, evidence and information" that could "cause further irreparable harm and embarrassment to Trump personally, his entire administration".
That's nail on head right there.