May be one for the fellow Oz growers. not sure if its used abroad. Gonna be stinking hot here in the next few days so grabbing some mulch.
It should be ideal! Eucalyptus will keep fungus gnats and other pests down. I make a spray of tea tree oil and use it like most people use neem...smells MUCH better and deters bugs effectively.
Greetings from WashIngton DC mate!
Not meaning to drag this thread of topic but got a question bout the tea tree oil..
Do you use it the same as any old pest repellent or do ya gotta rinse plant off afterwards?
And wat ratios do you use wen mixing it?.
Jimmy, jump on Gunja Gurls and Double JJs threads. (outdoor section) Aks them anything and u will get honest, real world advice. They grow trees, well and in good humor. And no im not gunna tag em as they will get bigger heads.Only used it for sores to clean out an stuff like that burns like a bitch though. But yea few drops in one of thoughs vics vaporisers with towel over ya head probs work aswell, be allot smoother on the lungs instead of a dab anyday..
Back on the mulch topic though have you heard or used sugar cain mulch as top dressin. Growin out door an can get compressed bloks of ir fairly cheap
They would of loved that heat at 4 weeks.Cheers. Use it lots around the garden, but heard cedar is bad for Cana plants and wondered about Eucy. Sure does smell nice. We have Eucy trees in our yard that make the air fresh and sweet. Earthy with tones of honey mint. Koalas love 'em. Went ahead and spread it on the pots. Put a layer of worm castings on, watered that in, sprinkled some nitrogen dust then an inch of Euchy mulch on top with another drink. 37°Cels tomorrow. All prepped. Outdoor plants already smell skunky and are only 4 weeks old. The Eucy mulch really compliments the scent.
Thanks and greetings to you too kind sir.
Yeah they sure did, Never seen leaves that erect. Had to move 'em though. nasty northerly was blowing them over.- completely horizontal at times. saved 'em all though. Hottest day theyve seen. We just had rain for 2 weeks with temps like 14 C. friggin Melbourne weather.They would of loved that heat at 4 weeks.