How to reveg. And how not to.

Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
Just wanna share my experience revegging two different strains that were unintentionally done two different ways.
Here's the two (wrong way, left)(right way,right) half way into flower..
Below - what you don't want (sorry bout the photo thought I took one with the lights off)
CCamPic_000144.jpg below - what you do want "life savers pheno"

I always leave my plants alive for a week or so after harvest if they are new strains. Incase I find a awesome phenotype . Nothing till now was worth the reported 3 week reveg turnaround. I got a phenotype I call "life savers" it's like nothing I've tried before. So ahead with the reveg we went. I wasn't sure how it would go. I also revegged another strain. "Sweet tooth "
Now with the sweet tooth it had alot of popcorn left. It wasn't worth harvesting the small hairy popcorn so it was left with about 30-50 tiny buds all clustered in the centre bottom. (Sorry I don't have photos)(but the after photos here should tell alot) now on the "life savers" pheno. It was left with 3 small bud sites. That's it. One was actually like a third of a bud. But they weren't all clustered in the centre/bottom. They were all on a seperate branch each. This concerned me. And it did take a week longer to reveg. But since it only shot about 12 mains (I cloned some) it was like a manifolded plant and I could work with it. The sweet tooth is as was like every reveg horror story I have ever heard. I've taken so many budsites off it and trimmed it so hardcore to get it to this point. And it's still a mess. Notes to take

1#revegging will shoot 3-5 new stalks from every 1cm squared budsite left.

2#dont leave to many budsites. To close. Or you will have a messy bush on your hands.

3# leave less bud more leaf, you can and will trim the old leaf once it revegs and those leaves take the last breaths and dry up.

4# don't think more sites better plant. You want to be able to go into a manageable reveg. With 10-20 main colas. No 100 :P

5# take all this with a grain of salt. It's my experience from my first reveg what you learn from it. Is up to you.
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Well-Known Member
I saw another person reply on a thread that monstercropping didn’t yield. Wrong. If done correctly it yields well. As you noted each bud site turns into a branch. Depending on how far into flower you are the flowering clones will have tons of thin shoots that will flower. Left unthinned and uncontrolled will yield a bag of popcorn. Thinned and trained like you note on these reveg plants results in similar finishes.

Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
I saw another person reply on a thread that monstercropping didn’t yield. Wrong. If done correctly it yields well. As you noted each bud site turns into a branch. Depending on how far into flower you are the flowering clones will have tons of thin shoots that will flower. Left unthinned and uncontrolled will yield a bag of popcorn. Thinned and trained like you note on these reveg plants results in similar finishes.
I actually took some clones or the sweet tooth in flower. Just as a experiment when I was cutting unwanted lowers off. They rooted super quick. But I ran outa space to reveg them. So gave them away. :P hopefuly he keeps them knowing there potential now as you mentioned. I shoulda kept atleast one lol
PS these revegs are going to yield better then they did the first round :P that's on me learning to grow better to. And take advantage of those developed roots


Well-Known Member
I actually took some clones or the sweet tooth in flower. Just as a experiment when I was cutting unwanted lowers off. They rooted super quick. But I ran outa space to reveg them. So gave them away. :P hopefuly he keeps them knowing there potential now as you mentioned. I shoulda kept atleast one lol
PS these revegs are going to yield better then they did the first round :P that's on me learning to grow better to. And take advantage of those developed roots
Definitely suggest you experiment with flowering clones. You won’t believe the plant. They start throwing normal leaf sets but the shoots are everywhere. Mostly very thin at first. Not the best clone candidate in my experience so I just thin and toss. Try it. You’ll be amazed.

Plant different from the start. Offset branching. Hard to determine where to top or if to top. They grow very thick.


Well-Known Member
As to the monster cropping, it doesn't work with all strains. I tried it with a stardawg and they never came around fully into veg. So until you have tried it with a strain don't count on it. I lost that strain because I didn't keep a mother.


Well-Known Member
20190730_094722.jpg I love monster cropping! Even if it was an accident.

Moving the plants out for some sun and then back into the grow room in the evening (late winter and early summer) caused flowering. I didn't quite know what to do so I just left them alone for a few weeks to see what would happen and then cleaned off all the buds and tight growth. Off 6 plants came over 5 pounds of bud and leaves. Had to harvest one because of bugs for another 1 1/2 pounds.

The plants are now 5 to 6 feet tall and more than 4 feet wide with the real harvest coming in October (?).

The pictures are 5 Gold Leaf and one cross Gold Leaf and White Widow.