I'm not questioning if she can get shit done, I'm just saying she hasn't and I don't know if she will get shit done.. Not that one would expect much from a freshman Congressman after a month on the job.SO WHY BRING IT UP I don't hold it against her, I'm just waiting to see how well she works at her job. She's not my representative, Cortez represent Queens, NY. I expect my rep., DeFazio to work with Cortez when they have a goal in common. I'd like to see how well Cortez can work with him. Or is it all just about bashing "establishment Democrats" even if they have strong records of supporting progressive issues?
Bernie hasn't gotten anything done in twelve years as a Senator. BERNIE IS NOT A DEM He's an example of somebody who doesn't work well with others -- even people who mostly agree with him. The so-called "Unity Tour" he held with Perez, for example, was anything but that due to Sanders speeches where he bashed Democrats and aggrandized himself. His attacks on key Obama legislation like the ACA isn't helpful to people on the verge of losing access to healthcare -- all in the pursuit of his Medicare for All bill which isn't going anywhere. He has a track record of turning around and biting his allies. Vermont likes him and in his role as a Cassandra in the Senate, he's fine. Just not president.
There are something like 10 "Progressives" in the House including Cortez. If they are going to be successful at getting campaign finance reform enacted and repealing the CU ruling, much less enacting Green New Deal legislation, they have to find people they can work with who may not agree with them on other issues. DeFazio, by the way is a co-sponsor of Cortez's GND resolution, so the precedent that DeFazio is willing to work with Cortez is already set. I'm wondering what happens when a West Coast issue comes up, such as offshore oil wells. Will Cortez be there as strongly for us as DeFazio is there for her?
She's new and I'm not jumping on a bandwagon for her just yet. I WILL SAVE YOU A SEAT I want to see what she does first. I like her first example in the Green New Deal, so it's a good start.