Why you should stop smoking weed and start vaping?


Right, it's not the same high, but once you realize that you're being elevated and not "stoned" you may develop a preference. I liked it so much I went for the best device on the market...newvape...and never smoked again...2 years now almost. Had adult onset asthma, now I don't have to use any inhalers.
Vapes are great for public use. Not so much for smoking I just dont enjoy the high as much. Everyone says it's the same but not for me
That depends on what kind of materials you are using, for wax it's always getting you high by just a bit.
And the vaporizers need to have a big enough power, and heating ways, proper temperature, a lot of elements that will affect the vaping cloud, and taste.
dry herb vaporizers have lower health risks than smoking, but it is not without some of the same risks. some small amount of plant material is still burnt, and the material you're inhaling is the same as from smoking, just in smaller amounts...and many people vape a lot more often than they would smoke a joint or hit a pipe, so i think this is a false equivalency.
making e juice and vaping it has a whole separate set of potential problems......about the only way to consume cannabis that doesn't have adverse effects is edibles or tinctures.....
But, the evil alcohol in the tincture, shudder to think.
the small amount of alcohol in tinctures will not harm you and helps your body absorb cannibanoids much faster. and average dose for me contains 1/20 of an ounce of grain alcohol. I put it in my coffee in the evening and start to feel the effects almost immediately. with edibles it take about an hour to start feeling it.alcohol is found in many over the counter medicines
I think you re right. Do like the Dabox but when your teeth feel sticky from the oil after using it it makes you wonder.
There might be the battery doesn't have enough power, and we have updated that battery and have an extra water filter chamber added on our New product as DAbOX pro.
We will launch it on MJBIZCON Expo.
the small amount of alcohol in tinctures will not harm you and helps your body absorb cannibanoids much faster. and average dose for me contains 1/20 of an ounce of grain alcohol. I put it in my coffee in the evening and start to feel the effects almost immediately. with edibles it take about an hour to start feeling it.alcohol is found in many over the counter medicines
Whoosh. I was replying to a post I thought was fearmongering, so I did a little myself to point it out.
Whoosh. I was replying to a post I thought was fearmongering, so I did a little myself to point it out.
fear mongering? seriously? do a little research....i did.....vaping aint good for you, and never will be. it is better for you than smoking. that does not make it good for you, or even harmless. if you want to ignore the real risks of doing something, that's fine, but don't deny that any risk exists, and don't imply that i'm "fear mongering" when i'm trying to point those risks out.....
fear mongering would be me posting pictures of popcorn lung, and pics of people who still got cancer from vaping, and people who have copd that have almost died from vaping.....but i'm not doing that....i'm posting a mild warning, and trying to point out that this isn't the equivalent of chewing bubblegum....
something the OP might consider doing, as they are supposed to be providing a professional service, as they are supposed to be expert at all of this, as they could have done a little research themselves before they start believing their own ad copy.....
Ok, maybe fearmongering is too strong a word. People gonna smoke this stuff and vaping happens to be the safest way to smoke. Thanks for pointing out that it's still not 100% safe.
you have a point, it does seem to be the safest way, and i wasn't trying to scare anyone away, i'm thinking about getting a dry herb vaper myself...but, i'm not going to tell anyone it's harmless, just less harmful...
There might be the battery doesn't have enough power
You mean I have to buy a new battery to replace the one in my new Dabox?

you have a point, it does seem to be the safest way, and i wasn't trying to scare anyone away, i'm thinking about getting a dry herb vaper myself...but, i'm not going to tell anyone it's harmless, just less harmful...
I've tried bud in mine and it's a lot better than my one hit pipe. I don't even taste it, but there is vapor and nothing left in the bowl. Trouble is having to clean it. A little Everclear and a soft brush will take care of that.

Four more weeks and I'll be strictly on edibles.
I thought that dabbing would be a little easier on my COPD. It is something you can really enjoy. It comes on very fast and pleasant. It's easy to control the dosage.

I like my Dabox but unfortunately it's not going to work for me.
I've always gonna roll/light up a blunt. I have no problem with vaping while am out in about in the public or just chilling around the house.
I've always gonna roll/light up a blunt. I have no problem with vaping while am out in about in the public or just chilling around the house.

I loved blunts man. I had a huge box of Royal blunts bluberry. We’re a few years old. Had to give em away to a buddy. I wish I could still smoke em. But my lungs won’t handle it.
i'd really like a dry herb vape, but i can't get "high" vaping....used at least 4 different dry herb units and several e juice vapers....the best i've gotten off of any of them is a mild buzz....like i smoked a good bowl about 45 minutes ago buzz.....