Recover from Nute Burn?


Well-Known Member
Have like 90% grand daddy purps going right now, and then a handful or so of Diesels. Among all of the GrandDaddy Purps only a few got burnt, but all the Diesels were fairly burnt. Typical discoloration around the leaf ends that results from burning, as well as some curling down towards the floor.

I am using 3\4 gallon pots, and SunShine#4. I flushed the shit out of all the plants last night, getting over 30 gallons of run off from the 70 or so gallons I gave them in the flush.

The Diesels appear better, but still some slight curling towards the ground... even still much better. I flushed em about 24 hours ago and I'm wondering if I should give them more of a flush. How quickly does the curling go away, and if the new leaf growth looks decent tomorrow but the curling on old leaves is still present, is the problem fixed or should I give them more water?

They are getting flipped over to 12.12 tomorrow, and don't mind giving the Diesels more flushing if needed, but I figured the amount I gave them would do the trick.

And for a question that may come up in the near future, do you guys usually cut nute strength in half or so for the first feeding? I doubt they will be ready for more water for at least another 2-3 days.. but when they are ready I should probably go easy on the nutes huh?


Well-Known Member
Have like 90% grand daddy purps going right now, and then a handful or so of Diesels. Among all of the GrandDaddy Purps only a few got burnt, but all the Diesels were fairly burnt. Typical discoloration around the leaf ends that results from burning, as well as some curling down towards the floor.

I am using 3\4 gallon pots, and SunShine#4. I flushed the shit out of all the plants last night, getting over 30 gallons of run off from the 70 or so gallons I gave them in the flush.

The Diesels appear better, but still some slight curling towards the ground... even still much better. I flushed em about 24 hours ago and I'm wondering if I should give them more of a flush. How quickly does the curling go away, and if the new leaf growth looks decent tomorrow but the curling on old leaves is still present, is the problem fixed or should I give them more water?

They are getting flipped over to 12.12 tomorrow, and don't mind giving the Diesels more flushing if needed, but I figured the amount I gave them would do the trick.

And for a question that may come up in the near future, do you guys usually cut nute strength in half or so for the first feeding? I doubt they will be ready for more water for at least another 2-3 days.. but when they are ready I should probably go easy on the nutes huh?

whoa quite a mouthfull there my

but in short....a reply...non the less...:wink:

the old leaves that were affected will never fully recover,your main concern should be the new growth of the plant. as long as they are doing well then your flush has worked fine.

dont give nutes for about another 2-3 waters then continue at a lower dosage-maybe 1/3 strength:wink:

hope this helps you any....peace :wink:


Well-Known Member
Daaaaamn, I really have to wait THREE waterings to give them nutes again? Blows, I just switched 'em over this am. I was considering giving 'em 1\3 strength next time, then 2\3 the following... not a good idea?


Well-Known Member
Have like 90% grand daddy purps going right now, and then a handful or so of Diesels. Among all of the GrandDaddy Purps only a few got burnt, but all the Diesels were fairly burnt. Typical discoloration around the leaf ends that results from burning, as well as some curling down towards the floor. - - -

I am using 3\4 gallon pots, and SunShine#4. I flushed the shit out of all the plants last night, getting over 30 gallons of run off from the 70 or so gallons I gave them in the flush.

The Diesels appear better, but still some slight curling towards the ground... even still much better. I flushed em about 24 hours ago and I'm wondering if I should give them more of a flush. How quickly does the curling go away, and if the new leaf growth looks decent tomorrow but the curling on old leaves is still present, is the problem fixed or should I give them more water?

They are getting flipped over to 12.12 tomorrow, and don't mind giving the Diesels more flushing if needed, but I figured the amount I gave them would do the trick.

And for a question that may come up in the near future, do you guys usually cut nute strength in half or so for the first feeding? I doubt they will be ready for more water for at least another 2-3 days.. but when they are ready I should probably go easy on the nutes huh?
That's not really flushing - that's just extreem overwatering. If you're using 3/4 gal. pots, each pot should recieve at least 2 1/4 gal. (3 times it's own volume) of plain water for a good flush. The slower you let it "drizzle" through - the more unwanted crap it will carry along with it.


Well-Known Member
I figured giving em 2 to 2.25 gallons would flush most of it out. Like I said, 90% of the plants wern't burned, but I wanted to get at those 10%.

You said I probably have plenty of nutes left in there, the burnt ones look better... the leaves aren't nearly as curled anymore - is this flush going to be sufficient you think or should I give them another watering of plain ph'ed water?

I could water the ones that were burnt with ph'ed water again, and give the other bunch 1\2 nutes.

Do you guys really wait 2-3 waterings before giving them nutrients again?


Well-Known Member
I figured giving em 2 to 2.25 gallons would flush most of it out. Like I said, 90% of the plants wern't burned, but I wanted to get at those 10%.

You said I probably have plenty of nutes left in there, the burnt ones look better... the leaves aren't nearly as curled anymore - is this flush going to be sufficient you think or should I give them another watering of plain ph'ed water?

I could water the ones that were burnt with ph'ed water again, and give the other bunch 1\2 nutes.

Do you guys really wait 2-3 waterings before giving them nutrients again?
post up some more pics so that we can have a look again please....:mrgreen: at the state they are in now mate-it might hepl better....:wink: