I hope they're ladies.


Well-Known Member
Hi All...just posting some pics of few young plants I have going. I can't wait to find out the gender of these plants. Hoping for the best!



Well-Known Member
Thanx...I should know gender within' the next week or two. They have been on a 10/14 schedule since seed.


Well-Known Member
may i ask why u have them on 10/14 schedule??? surely they should be getting as much light as possible seeing as they are so young??!!!!

24/24 or 18/24 etc would be much better in the seedling stage,just my interjection/comment. :)


Well-Known Member
They are on a 10/14 schedule because I only have one space to grow in & I have two other females in there at different stages. I had the 10/14 schedule going to help push the females along faster. I also would eventually like to get a timer & work the schedule back to 12/12.


Well-Known Member
They are on a 10/14 schedule because I only have one space to grow in & I have two other females in there at different stages. I had the 10/14 schedule going to help push the females along faster. I also would eventually like to get a timer & work the schedule back to 12/12.

OH OK SORRY...LOL but by putting the seedlings in with the flowering plants is going to stress them out because they aren't getting the required light to grow big and tall.(seedlings in flowering mode-not good unless they are clones):wink:


Well-Known Member
Hi All.......one male & still waiting. The plant in the second picture in my first post turned out to be male:sad: but there is hope for the other two. I have some new pics. - not much difference. I'm feeling pretty positive about the plant in the second & third pics. Gloria will be her name hopefully. Any feedback?



Well-Known Member
Gloria is confirmed:) & now I must transplant her so she can be comfortable. I'll post some more pics after the transplant in a week or so.


Well-Known Member
We now have Gloria & Ruth! I will be posting pics. shortly. They are both transplanted & doing well. Having 4 female plants from seed is awesome. Have a new seedling going as well. I will have pics. of that as well.


Well-Known Member
Hi All.......I got a chance to snap some shots of Gloria, Ruth, & the new sprout & I wanted to share with everyone. Gloria & Ruth just showed gender so they have a while to go, but they are lookin' healthy. The new sprout is doing O.K., but the stem seems to be really skinny & it's red. Anyone know what this might be? The soil is organic. I apprieciate any comments or suggestions.



Well-Known Member
The plants are about a month old. They are small because they were grown on a 10/14 schedule from seed. I don't have two separate rooms so I do what I can. I already had two females further along in there.


Well-Known Member
Hi All.......I whipped out the camera this morning before I go to work & snapped a few new shots of my two lovely ladies. Ruth seems to be reluctant to grow branches at the nodes, but looks healthy otherwise. What do you guys think? Ruth is the first pic. & Gloria is the other two.



Well-Known Member
Thanx.......I have 4 females growing right now, but I will be finishing my harvest of Luci this weekend. Check out the Meet Luci thread I posted for some updates on that harvest with pics.