Which would produce more DO in a DWC?

It is about DO right? Did I take it too far by suggesting an alternative to DWC? where am I off topic?
Nah, I just forgot what the original topic was LOL!

Seeings how he’s halfway through the grow it’s a bit irrelevant ....
More like halfway through my second grow LOL! I'm thinking of changing the title of the thread to something more relevant.
Looking great!! It's funny how everything you make in this thread looks way too easy to construct.

Btw, Is this the first or second grow since last November?
Thanks :)

This is my second grow. After this grow, I'm going to do a coco grow in my tent. Being summer, I don't want to fight the water temps. I'm not going to invest in a chiller. They're too pricey! After the summer grow I'll switch back to DWC.
Time to level the canopy! She's already been supercroped once, but none of the others have. This was expected though. I'll probably have to keep working with her for a couple more weeks.


I tend to grow to many in one tote so I run out of room to even supercrop as it covers up another plant lol. I just can’t help myself ..... it’s a problem for me :(. I keep meaning to cull a couple then I can’t :(.
It can get pretty crowded for sure! I was contemplating doing a two plant grow to see how it does. I've got a 1k in there now, so I can hit everything in the tent.

I previously mentioned that I was going to do a coco grow after this harvest, so I'm not trying fight water temps this summer, in the DWC. I think what I'm going to do is get a single, large root bag, and just grow one big one. Ultimately I'll probably grow four most of the time, in the DWC. It's a good layout.
Yeah, that's a lot to keep up with! Probably big enough for a dedicated mini-split.
I could probably do it with what I have if I hooked a chilled water fan coil to the 10000 btu water unit I have running, but yes maybe. I have a 3 head 36000 that I am installing in the house and another 12000 ductless as well but I need to upgrade the power to the shed, it’s maxed now lol. Besides it’s free outside lol.
I think I mentioned awhile back that it was gonna get real busy in there......it has lol. My very first hydro grow was White Russian and I was stuffing the plants back into the room to shut the door lol.
I think I mentioned awhile back that it was gonna get real busy in there......it has lol. My very first hydro grow was White Russian and I was stuffing the plants back into the room to shut the door lol.
Yeah, it has gotten a little crowded in there, but the plants are absolutely healthy looking, so they don't seem to be affected. I wasn't planning on doing a SOG, but it kind of turned out that way LOL! My worry is that I'm going to get condensation issues from leaves laying on top of each other. I rustle and fluff the leaves a couple times a day to help keep it under control. Another thing that's worrying me a bit is the humidity level. It's been hovering between 50% and 65%, depending on the rain outside. I'm in Oregon, and we get a lot of rain, so it's a battle. I have a small dehumidifier in the tent, but it doesn't have much of an impact. One of these days I have to get a real dehumidifier for the room. I've got a ton of circulation from the four fans in the tent, and the exhaust fan is pretty much on high, so that it's moving a lot of air through the inside.
Yeah, it has gotten a little crowded in there, but the plants are absolutely healthy looking, so they don't seem to be affected. I wasn't planning on doing a SOG, but it kind of turned out that way LOL! My worry is that I'm going to get condensation issues from leaves laying on top of each other. I rustle and fluff the leaves a couple times a day to help keep it under control. Another thing that's worrying me a bit is the humidity level. It's been hovering between 50% and 65%, depending on the rain outside. I'm in Oregon, and we get a lot of rain, so it's a battle. I have a small dehumidifier in the tent, but it doesn't have much of an impact. One of these days I have to get a real dehumidifier for the room. I've got a ton of circulation from the four fans in the tent, and the exhaust fan is pretty much on high, so that it's moving a lot of air through the inside.
You should be fine re humidity if your moving the air well. I run around 60 and have never had an issue. And yup I rustle them as well lol. I do tend to get a bit of larf so like I said I keep thinking I’m going to cut down on numbers but don’t :(. Did you lollipop them, sorry I can’t remember.
You should be fine re humidity if your moving the air well. I run around 60 and have never had an issue. And yup I rustle them as well lol. I do tend to get a bit of larf so like I said I keep thinking I’m going to cut down on numbers but don’t :(. Did you lollipop them, sorry I can’t remember.

I didn't lollipop them, but I did top them, then fimmed those once those branches grew. This is the first time I haven't continuously trim. I'm really glad I got out of that, because it was getting so time consuming trying to keep up with their growth. I would trim them up good, then the very next day, everything would be completely filled back out again! It was like the fast growth and extensive trimming were cancelling each other out LOL!

I'm not too worried about some larf. I don't need to kill myself trying to squeeze every last bit of growth out of them in order to get enough to last. I'll have plenty. I'm not even going to save the leaves and branches. Hash is great, but it's a lot of work.

After watching my system closely over the last year, I'm to the point where I don't have to hover over everything. The water is so stable! I haven't had any pH swings, odors, or anything else! It's a good running machine :-) I only go in there a couple times a day, which is good, because the less I'm around the plants, the less chance of bringing any critters into the room.