I never smoked no shit like that before man...Im wondering when Car INS is gonna start asking if you are medical or not..They can probably get that info if need be to..seeing as places share that info
LMG...more a commercial policy, and doesn’t come close to standard homeowners policies. No standard insurance Co’s in Canada offer any coverage for MMJ. Advise them of your legal MMJ grow and you will be dropped.What companies does everyone use to insure a acmpr grow? Shopping around
Lol...good luck on that.
A fight you will never win...I speak from experience!If I was growing tomatoes in my basement for example, at a reasonable scale, the insurance company would not be obliged to know. So why would you tell them about your legal ACMPR grow? It makes no sense. I know they are dirty slimeballs and would fight your claim regardless of HOW the fire started, but I don't think that is legal. They do have more money than most of us I would imagine to fight it though. Anyways if it comes to that I will fight them, I'm not doing anything I need to inform them of.
Nope...not explicitly.A fight you will never win...I speak from experience!
In all likelihood your policy already excludes MJ growing.
Check for clauses containing the words “illicit drugs”.Nope...not explicitly.
Check for clauses containing the words “illicit drugs”.
Try and get an ON judge to agree with that?!?!Nothing illicit in legal production man.