
I've noticed that I don't listen to music with just my ears, but with my whole body as well. It's as if music floods me from head to toe, not on a physical level, but on a spiritual one as well. It moves me in many ways, but that just could be because I'm a highly sensetive person. I'm not implying that it's the "Lords" work through me or something on those lines.
At the beginning of the theme, I remembered the song Chaos Chaos, do you feel it? Yes, there are such songs that I feel and they are palpable for me, but not all songs are like that.
Music evolved from creatures calling to each other through thick vegetation, under water or from long distances. It was call and response. Make a call.....Wait for a response....repeat. Certain rhythms and pitches identified like-species and that's how they "hooked up" lol! :)

Then sitting around in the darkness at night, we made sounds to reassure us that we were still there even when we couldn't be seen...Calls began to have meanings....calling the children back...hunting calls...etc.

Feeling safe afforded us the luxury to make calls for entertainment...mimicking other animal calls, for example...mimicking the pitches and attaching language to those pitches....songs.

Then songs began to be like books before people could read...They passed down the communal stories through the lyrics.

As ideas evolved, so did the lyrics and melodies and rhythms....

*EDIT* ...until you get to the point where some musicians' brains change to accommodate the most incredible things THIS guy....playing out-of-phase...If you know anything about playing, then you will realize how absolutely insanely incredible this is....even if you don't care for Steve Reich's music!
