It's official, I'm a fucking HEX... LIFE SUCKS


Well-Known Member
Sometimes you have no choice but to sign for a package from another country, other countries don't trust the US so they want verification that it was delivered after it leaves their country and therefore every package leaving that country must be signed for.

I think in his situation it was just a mistake and most of the time it isn't a big deal signing. Basically if they have investigated you to the point all they need is a signature they have planty of other things already.


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys for the big comotion. If u know me, u know I flip out over little shit...
OTOH I also get really happy when shit goes good. I think it's a medical
But no seriously it probably is a medical condition. Problem is I don't have any bebefits whatsoever, so I can't seee a DR if I wanted to. Thats probably why I smoke weeed all the tlme, it mellows me out..


Well-Known Member
Come over and we can Loathe together, Life's been kicking me in the nuts all year long...............


Well-Known Member
The good thing is the mail tracking system is almost always off by a day or so on either side, so they may show up in a day or two. I would give it until Sat before you commence with the ass kicking. US mail is good, but I have tracked packages many times that said delivered, only to recieve them a day or two later.
They will show up.
That is my friendly advice.

Now my inner motherfucker is coming out.:cuss:
Dude, that dirty cock sucker on you're avatar needs to go!!:fire:

Ok, I am better now.

Have a good one Bro, they will show up.


Well-Known Member
IDOI?? i'd cut that fuckers head off rite here in my Iiving room if i couId, and shit down his nek.
he's coward ass MF. i wouId stomp his ass from one end of this house to the other with my bare heads if oppurtunity arose. your crazy.:cuss:


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys for the big comotion. If u know me, u know I flip out over little shit...
OTOH I also get really happy when shit goes good. I think it's a medical
But no seriously it probably is a medical condition. Problem is I don't have any bebefits whatsoever, so I can't seee a DR if I wanted to. Thats probably why I smoke weeed all the tlme, it mellows me out..

No comotion at all, but kinda funny that my order was mis delivered the other day as well. NO way for me to track it b/c it was unattainable due to it being international package :wall:. I was getting pissed :cuss: I was like not this shit again, Attitude looked solid and it said it was delivered today, so I was like ole' mailman just scored him a NICE T-Shirt. Before I made it home to start emailing, I began calling my neighbors to check around and sure enough I found it, Luckily :-P and Safe :bigjoint:

Still Golden at Attitude


Well-Known Member
I just needed to get that shit off my chest. After I read what I wrote I realized I looked like a whinning bitch, so I erased it...
It just sucks. I needed to start this grow two months ago and everytime something goes bad...

I got guaranteed shipping from Attitude and they said since the computer shows they were delivered they won't do anything about it.
My fuckin mailman stole them... It said they got here at 9am yesterday...
Guess who I'm waiting for today? Yep the mail man, u said it. If he don't have the answers I want to hear I'm going to beat the fucklin mailmans ass, and hold him hostage until he has someone return my seeds...;-)

thanks for trying to help, I;m not really lookin for advice, just kind of venting

Well I see from your later post that you got everything straightened out. But for future reference, when recieving illegal items through the US Mail you really don't want to get the mailman or the postal service suspicious by freaking out on them or especially beating up the mailman. That's a real fast way to get the US Postal Inspectors and the Feds crawling up your ass. That's no joke either. You really don't want the US Postal Inspectors opening all your mail before you get it do you? They can and do, in fact, do this when someone is under suspiscion. Freaking out on, threatening, beating up, or accusing your mailman of stealing your mail or doing any of this at the actual post office will get the attention of Postal Inspectors faster than you can blink an eye.

I hope everything works out for you because I'm loking foward to seeing a grow journal from you or Jack plants!!!


Well-Known Member
Well I see from your later post that you got everything straightened out. But for future reference, when recieving illegal items through the US Mail you really don't want to get the mailman or the postal service suspicious by freaking out on them or especially beating up the mailman. That's a real fast way to get the US Postal Inspectors and the Feds crawling up your ass. That's no joke either. You really don't want the US Postal Inspectors opening all your mail before you get it do you? They can and do, in fact, do this when someone is under suspiscion. Freaking out on, threatening, beating up, or accusing your mailman of stealing your mail or doing any of this at the actual post office will get the attention of Postal Inspectors faster than you can blink an eye.

I hope everything works out for you because I'm loking foward to seeing a grow journal from you or Jack plants!!!
I definately know what u mean...
U are aware that I wasn't going to beat up the mailman and I was just f'n around, correct?
I did go to the PO though, wich probably was a little risky, stupid, and not recommended unless u are in a suit and tie, or just not all hippied out will do. I was in my work clothes... It spooked me out when it started to get into the 10+ minutes of waiting tho. I was nearly positive that the popo were being called, and the lady was just tryin to kill time. She kept checking the same boxes over and over, then pacing around... I really almost walked out. Then the supervisor came up saying my package was at a different address. My mouth dropped wide open, then he showed me the address, I smiled ear to ear!
I tell u the ppl who work the mail counte are complete dix. They all had attitudes with the customers. One after another. Especially the lady who was helping me. She acted like I ruined her whole day. I was glad to see an elderly woman talk shit to her for having an

I hope everything works out for you because I'm loking foward to seeing a grow journal from you or Jack plants!!!
Don't get ur hopes too high, I have a rep as a bad grower...:sad:


Well-Known Member
Don't get ur hopes too high, I have a rep as a bad grower...:sad:
Who cares about rep man? I'm glad you got your seeds. I'd be devistated if mine didn't come if I ordered a bunch. Personally, I don't care if someone is a bad grower, someone could be growing with tin foil and incadescents, and its whatever makes that particular grower happy, ya know? It's a hobby, there is no need to be criticized on your grow. You do things the way you want to do them, because it is fun, and its an accomplishment to see the final product. I'll be looking for your grow journal soon, if you decide to make one. :D The only criticism that helps, is when you ask for suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Who cares about rep man? I'm glad you got your seeds. I'd be devistated if mine didn't come if I ordered a bunch. Personally, I don't care if someone is a bad grower, someone could be growing with tin foil and incadescents, and its whatever makes that particular grower happy, ya know? It's a hobby, there is no need to be criticized on your grow. You do things the way you want to do them, because it is fun, and its an accomplishment to see the final product. I'll be looking for your grow journal soon, if you decide to make one. :D The only criticism that helps, is when you ask for suggestions.
I hear ya... Now that I have good seeds and spent a bunch on equipment the pressure is on even more than last. I hope I don't make myself look like a jackass again.
Last time I got all my seeds, started a journal, got everyone all excited, then I torched the seeds, and whatever seedlings that had just popped at 100F on a heat mat:wall:. only 1 of 30
The best saying for that I can think of is
"U don't get what u want, u get what u need"
Thanks for stoppin by man... I apreciate the kind words. I will give this one my all. I know it will be one hell of an experience one way or the other...


Well-Known Member
Trust me hydro, I've had 2 unsuccesful grows before, not even to seedling stage. hahah. But hey, I learned my mistakes, and I'm just doing it for fun. :D