I once wrecked the front wheel of my bike and used that SUV option to get my bike home. It cost more but it was worth it. Another time when I was new to Uber, a gorgeous Lincoln Town car picked me up. It was like a limo, such a luxurious ride home. Then I saw the fee, holy shit. Turns out I pressed for Uber Black. I thought I'd just be getting a black driver, j/k I simply fucked it up. Lastly, a few weeks ago I chose UberPool. I've done this a few times before, and use this when getting my kid from the suburbs because it's significantly cheaper esp. for longer rides. We've been lucky as you pay the same lower price whether they pick up others on the trip or not, and we always rode alone. But last time my UberPool pulled up and there was strange fat dude in the back seat. It surprised me, but I got in and our thighs touched a bit. Man Thigh Touch is awkward if you not into the guy. I then realized I probably could have sat up front, but how weird would that be for me to initially open the back door, see the dude, quickly close it and sit up front??? Anyway, it all worked out. We decided to rob the driver, stole the car, sold it quick to a chop shop, bought meth and made love all night long. And that's all I have to say about that...