the fck is wrong with lumber prices?


Well-Known Member
"it was an accident"..."I was shopping for black market jujubees and stumbled on some kiddie porn"

Nobody else has accidentally stumbled on kiddie porn sites. Nobody believes that for a minute.
I have diverse interests and boundless curiosity and I never have.

We should be more sympathetic to him though. Pederasty is a sad thing for the abuser as well as the victim. Nobody asks to be aroused by 8 year-olds. We should pity poor Tampon Timmee.



Well-Known Member
That's the level of simplistitic thinking the rulers want us to have......the only differences are socioeconomic based purely on accumulated wealth and family connections.
We are all the mans nigger now.
uhhhh, you missed that bit of our history regarding the civil rights struggle and ongoing acts of both individual and institutional racism, also unions and the power of collective action and cooperation. In other words, you left out higher order social behavior and the fight to establish rights as defined in the constitution,

I guess.


Well-Known Member

It was actually because you said you were on a site with links to it, ie. a child pornography site.

You're the sort of criminal the President should be going after, not Muslim and black AMERICANS.
Just so happens I'm a black American.....


Well-Known Member
"it was an accident"..."I was shopping for black market jujubees and stumbled on some kiddie porn"

Nobody else has accidentally stumbled on kiddie porn sites. Nobody believes that for a minute.
Have you been on the darknet, sir? Obviously a sir pencil pusher.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
i know countries with more government involvement in healthcare have lower prices and better outcomes, pedophile.

Your understanding is mired in false dichotomy. If you compare government intervention plan number 1 to government intervention plan number 2 or 3 you aren't considering all the possibilities are you ?


Well-Known Member
Your understanding is mired in false dichotomy. If you compare government intervention plan number 1 to government intervention plan number 2 or 3 you aren't considering all the possibilities are you ?
no, there was a time when there was no govern ment intervention in healthcare whatsoever. people lived to the ripe old age of 43.

why is it that there is not one single example of your retarded and backwards dream society working, ever?


Well-Known Member
Go to a leased timber unit on an island. Observe the equipment, tools, fuel, camp, manpower barged in. See the amount of effort put forth to cut in and build roads just to get to a landing in a unit, get that timber felled and back to the beach and rafted up.
Now barge it to the mill, cut and dried dimensionally and hauled to the local box store.
It's amazing a 2x4 only sells for $3.