Never grown outside before question or two


Active Member
hey guys, did my first successful grow... Now I'm thinking of pulling clones off my white widow which is finally old enough to pull clones... My question is, is being close to the end of July to late to start putting clones outside

Also, if I plant it directly in the soil, is the natural soil in the woods have all the amendments needed to grow cannabis? Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
You can still put some clones outside.

The natural soil could be good, it could be bad as well. Would have to know more details to know for sure.

sandhill larry

Well-Known Member
There is still time. Vegging them inside is a good idea. You can treat it like a spring crop. Veg until the nights are long enough for it to flower outside. I did Fall/Winter seed testers last year, popping seeds in October and November. I killed most of them, but the ones I let go got an ounce or so per. Yours would be bigger, so should get a good deal more.