Jaw wired shut. Cutting wires early?


Well-Known Member
Ok. Anyone in here a smart with meds or something? Or had there jaw wired shut before. Most of you have already read the story so im not going to re type that. Basically I was at a party. Passed out on the couch. Woke up in the hospital. Two kids jumped me when I passed out and broke my jaw.

Anyways I go in for my follow up this coming Thursday. But being on an all liquid diet I am starving. I mean really starving. I normally weigh 160 and am 6'2" I have lost 30 pound and now look like a twig. I've never been this hungry in my life.

My question is with the follow up being so soon can I cut my own wires? I am 18, in perfect health (no known allergies) and they said theres a possibilitie that everything will come off this weekend. But I just can't take it. I need some food! Anyone with any brains help me out. I don't want my jaw to break again lol.


Well-Known Member
im seriously thinking about it. Like I will if someone on here is a good knoledgeble person and wil tell me as long as i dont damage anything they woulnt wire them shut again. Thats what im afraid of. Them being like. Oh well you cut your wires now your jaw is .00000001 mm off to the right were gonna have to wire you shut for another month lmfao. Like you know how they are. Who would notice that much of an alignment diffrence lol.


Well-Known Member
i did it. Feels fine. And as i expected it woulnt open up all the way right now without mild pain. As I should expecte though due to the fact that my jaw muscles havent worked themselves in a month. YEEE HAWW IM FREE! Just gotta stretch out my muscles now. Smoking a bowl and getting hungry should help motivate me lol.


Well-Known Member
fuck man sorry to hear looks like we both had some bad luck, i got two teeth knocked out last night from some 50 year old drunk fagget that blind sided me for no reason, my jaws swollen as fuck i cant talk and i keep drooling lol i tried to smoke a dooby but it was soaked after the first attempted to smoke it :( FUCK!


Well-Known Member
all i have to say is its too late to do anything, after all u just posted about getting back at them...

karma is a bitch.. let it die


Active Member
Ok. Anyone in here a smart with meds or something? Or had there jaw wired shut before. Most of you have already read the story so im not going to re type that. Basically I was at a party. Passed out on the couch. Woke up in the hospital. Two kids jumped me when I passed out and broke my jaw.

Anyways I go in for my follow up this coming Thursday. But being on an all liquid diet I am starving. I mean really starving. I normally weigh 160 and am 6'2" I have lost 30 pound and now look like a twig. I've never been this hungry in my life.

My question is with the follow up being so soon can I cut my own wires? I am 18, in perfect health (no known allergies) and they said theres a possibilitie that everything will come off this weekend. But I just can't take it. I need some food! Anyone with any brains help me out. I don't want my jaw to break again lol.

woah im 18 and broke my jaw and i couldnt take the wires any more so i cut them off .. i only did it about 20 mins ago so i dunno if it is bad yet


Active Member
i have my jaw wierd right now and i dont know if i should toke up i just got it wiered on friday and its sunday now and i cant lie if been poking the smot put still, should I??? i've been looking on the internet for information and i've found nothing saying i should or i shouldnt! i dont kow should i stop or what? like my jaw is wiered shut like no nothing can get in there but shakes baby food and smoke so what sould i do?????:peace::joint::confused:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
i have my jaw wierd right now and i dont know if i should toke up i just got it wiered on friday and its sunday now and i cant lie if been poking the smot put still, should I??? i've been looking on the internet for information and i've found nothing saying i should or i shouldnt! i dont kow should i stop or what? like my jaw is wiered shut like no nothing can get in there but shakes baby food and smoke so what sould i do?????:peace::joint::confused:

SMOKE.................................Fuck it:hump:


Well-Known Member
i had a friend who had his jaw wired shut a day before he got sent down.

He spent a year in jail and when he came out he still had it wired shut, people kept breaking his jaw haha.

I'd just stick it out and wouldn't cut them, but tooooo late :P

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Yea I had my jaw wired shut after a car accident, It realy sucked! I was 8 weeks in traction and my favorite meal of the day was breackfast, cream of rice gruel! With about 6 packs of sugar! After I got out of hospital It was better because I also lost 2 teeth in front so I could get some chunky food in and swollow( brain fart can't spell)

:peace:peace man:peace:


New Member
naww imm good my jaw is fine andi got to eat a cheeseburger
What wires did you cut? Do u think i should cut mines? I go back to the dr Wednesday coming up. Im so sad i couldnt eat thanksgiving. Was there anything wrong after u cut them did your dr say anything?


Well-Known Member
What wires did you cut? Do u think i should cut mines? I go back to the dr Wednesday coming up. Im so sad i couldnt eat thanksgiving. Was there anything wrong after u cut them did your dr say anything?
dont do it new sock. better to wait the few extra weeks you got left then cut early. i had my jaw wired, i blended everything and drank it.. ever eat a blended up cheesesteak? its terrible


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
dont do it new sock. better to wait the few extra weeks you got left then cut early. i had my jaw wired, i blended everything and drank it.. ever eat a blended up cheesesteak? its terrible
Let's just hope someone finally tapped mainey in the pie hole. He cuts them early and it results in a non-union. That would be a wonderful Christmas present for all of us.