How much would you pay to bang Ariana Grande?


Well-Known Member
hey man i never said i wouldnt!...

also going out in a bit for some drinks and brisket sandwiches.. but ill be home with some kind of alcohol probably if you want to hop on TC. gotta get hammered this weekend so i an end this age right before my birthday on tuesday
I did that last night and here I sit on my b-day feeling less than 100%! :lol:

Just tokes tonight.

Happy b-day on Tuesday!



Well-Known Member
Shit I'd pay to bang her just because of her credit score. Maybe she'll fall in love and I can ride it out or maybe just grab a candle stick and credit card on the way out. Either way I'm thinking seducing her would be at least a grand if I could do it under two hours, so I guess a grand to start a money leeching plan would be an acceptable investment. You have to spend money to make money