any recommendations for lung cancer?

oilfield bud

Well-Known Member
So my fatherinlaw just got just got told he has stage 3 lung cancer 3 days ago, he is probably gonna refuse keno. Anyway I'm about to up my game a Lil and was thinking about making him some Rick Simpson oil. Anyway my question is is the Rick Simpson oil the best option for him when it comes to actually medicating with bud?

What is there to lose? I have no first hand knowledge about cancer, but I am amazed at the lack of negative comments on youtube videos testifying that it does cure cancer. I am guessing that it at least slows the cancer down and sometimes actually cures it. It takes a lot of weed to make Rick Simpson oil.
We use infused oil which is less powerful. We have seen it reverse glaucoma and get rig of lupus. There is no telling what all this stuff cures. What is important is that there is no risk in trying it other than legal. IMO growing at home is safe as long as no one knows and nothing ever leaves the house. Good luck to you.
Lets be realistic. It ain't gonna cure his lung cancer but it might provide some relief for his symptoms (pain and appetite especially).

If he wanted to give something a try I'd skip anything smoked as he will unfortunately become breathless from the lung cancer and smoking will only make that worse.

Look at making edibles with a reasonably low dose to start (10-20mg THC per edible dose) and see whether it helps. Don't go overboard with heavy strengths from the start as that might just put him off. Experiment on yourself before giving him anything to make sure you've dosed appropriately.

Good luck.
idk iv heard of rick simpson curing lung cancer with his oil.......... i think diet/life style change should come along with medicating but...... idk...... i wouldnt be surprised if he could cure it himself. im sure there's some rick simpson literature floating around with the specific applications. do you vape the oil for lung cancer? apply topically? consume? all of the above? tbh i want to do some research myself!

god luck and good speed!
honestly. rso isnt very clean.. itll work fine orally as long as youvtake care making it....

but id stil say, getvthe cannabinoids to the problem. vape hash oil.
Try anything but chemo !!!!
Rick Simpsons oil is a good start. Also look into a major diet change. Lots of vegetables veggi. Juice. Etc. look into Dr. Gerson's cancer treatments this along w cannabus has a better chance than chemo and radiation, The success rate is around 2% w traditional chemo radiation treatment.
I lost my mother in 09' to cancer and only wish I knew then what i know now...
So my fatherinlaw just got just got told he has stage 3 lung cancer 3 days ago, he is probably gonna refuse keno. Anyway I'm about to up my game a Lil and was thinking about making him some Rick Simpson oil. Anyway my question is is the Rick Simpson oil the best option for him when it comes to actually medicating with bud?


Old guy w Stage 4 cured. Sounds like CBD taken orally based on his son's comments. He may also have used RSO.

honestly. rso isnt very clean.. itll work fine orally as long as youvtake care making it....

but id stil say, getvthe cannabinoids to the problem. vape hash oil.
I have a relative doing RSO/coconot oil with suppositories for prostate. They were losing the battle and RSO has probably saved their life. They got their RSO from a dispensary in San Fran and had it shipped cross country. You can also do RSO with a plastic syringe the same way anally. You do not get high if you do it that way.
many rick simpson patients died of cancer after their treatments. some people have cured their cancers with prayer and meditation. visit and read his site for more information.
I always wondered if maybe the naptha used in it might have some thing to do with the supposed efficacy, naptha has been used for many years before indoor gardens for medical purposes.(watch medicine man)
I heard a doctor say "Cannabis cures cancer like bread mold cures infections" with so much work to do, and so many risks, rx/profit..those kind of risks... to possess it may be a long time before we know some truths from american labs and big pharma

but even the best of the best cancer clinics only offer a small percentage of survivors that are alive after five years since their biopsy, and then they often die from another treatment caused cancer/or related to original too)
so using anything but their best treatment seems viable to me. spend time killing the only thing known to cure cancer-immune system- and adding treatments that are well known to cause more cancers seems ludicrous to me too.

simpson says a pound will yield about 2 ounces of oil. Most of his people took at least one gram per day, so a pound could be a two month supply. I would never use naptha in this process, or iso, or any solvent until you are absolutely sure you can remove all of the solvent before ingestion. you could consider using coconut oil to extract and using capsules to dose. Edibles are usually sugared, avoid sugar. fight his fungus hard, he's riddled with fungus, diseased persons often are, some say tumors are related to fungi even.

cancer wont hang out in a ph balanced organ. it loves acidic ph.

best wishes to you and yours op
I have a relative doing RSO/coconot oil with suppositories for prostate. They were losing the battle and RSO has probably saved their life. They got their RSO from a dispensary in San Fran and had it shipped cross country. You can also do RSO with a plastic syringe the same way anally. You do not get high if you do it that way.

what? I put a capsule of cannabis concentrate in my ass and it frikken floored me for two days, one little capsule mixed with coconut oil. I wonder why the rso didnt get anyone high?
many rick simpson patients died of cancer after their treatments. some people have cured their cancers with prayer and meditation. visit and read his site for more information.
I always wondered if maybe the naptha used in it might have some thing to do with the supposed efficacy, naptha has been used for many years before indoor gardens for medical purposes.(watch medicine man)
I heard a doctor say "Cannabis cures cancer like bread mold cures infections" with so much work to do, and so many risks, rx/profit..those kind of risks... to possess it may be a long time before we know some truths from american labs and big pharma

but even the best of the best cancer clinics only offer a small percentage of survivors that are alive after five years since their biopsy, and then they often die from another treatment caused cancer/or related to original too)
so using anything but their best treatment seems viable to me. spend time killing the only thing known to cure cancer-immune system- and adding treatments that are well known to cause more cancers seems ludicrous to me too.

simpson says a pound will yield about 2 ounces of oil. Most of his people took at least one gram per day, so a pound could be a two month supply. I would never use naptha in this process, or iso, or any solvent until you are absolutely sure you can remove all of the solvent before ingestion. you could consider using coconut oil to extract and using capsules to dose. Edibles are usually sugared, avoid sugar. fight his fungus hard, he's riddled with fungus, diseased persons often are, some say tumors are related to fungi even.

cancer wont hang out in a ph balanced organ. it loves acidic ph.

best wishes to you and yours op

What about the baking soda/alkaline treatments by Dr. Simoncini? There is videos on youtube about that.
many rick simpson patients died of cancer after their treatments. some people have cured their cancers with prayer and meditation. visit and read his site for more information.
I always wondered if maybe the naptha used in it might have some thing to do with the supposed efficacy, naptha has been used for many years before indoor gardens for medical purposes.(watch medicine man)
I heard a doctor say "Cannabis cures cancer like bread mold cures infections" with so much work to do, and so many risks, rx/profit..those kind of risks... to possess it may be a long time before we know some truths from american labs and big pharma

but even the best of the best cancer clinics only offer a small percentage of survivors that are alive after five years since their biopsy, and then they often die from another treatment caused cancer/or related to original too)
so using anything but their best treatment seems viable to me. spend time killing the only thing known to cure cancer-immune system- and adding treatments that are well known to cause more cancers seems ludicrous to me too.

simpson says a pound will yield about 2 ounces of oil. Most of his people took at least one gram per day, so a pound could be a two month supply. I would never use naptha in this process, or iso, or any solvent until you are absolutely sure you can remove all of the solvent before ingestion. you could consider using coconut oil to extract and using capsules to dose. Edibles are usually sugared, avoid sugar. fight his fungus hard, he's riddled with fungus, diseased persons often are, some say tumors are related to fungi even.

cancer wont hang out in a ph balanced organ. it loves acidic ph.

best wishes to you and yours op

Thanks. There are a lot of very good, kind and helpful people on these forums.