I didn't know where to post this I just made my account so sorry if theres a better thread. Anyway I need to pass a drug test in 2 days at Quest Labs. I was a daily dabber for 7 months usually at night to just help me go to sleep and also because falling asleep while ripped is amazing. I never dabbed any crazy amounts I would take a very small dabs at night before bed and thats it and I haven't dabbed in exactly 3 months and during those 3 months I was going to the beach a lot and swimming and getting a lot of exercise. Im 5' 9", 135 pounds, skinny with a fast metabolism. Will I pass my test they might be checking my blood or my urine or both I dont know. Does anyone know how specific Quest labs is because I read there is different levels of testing that can detect further back so will I be good?