Embarrassing Trump Audio Exposes Him as Totally Clueless


Well-Known Member
Their violence? LOL!!! Only if a bunch of agitators show up and start shit. Oh wait, that is the plan....
Not a single case of violence coming from the protesters. About four or five cases of violence perpetrated on anti Trump protesters by people from Trump's side.

Are you one of the people who blame the protester when a trump supporter loses control? And so the beatings are justified?


Well-Known Member
Not a single case of violence coming from the protesters that I know of. About four or five cases of violence perpetrated on protesters by people from Trump's side.

Are you one of the people who blame the protester when a trump supporter loses control? And so the beatings are justified?
The trump supporters were going to a location to hear trump speak. The protestors were actively preventing that from happening. I do not advocate assault against anyone.

But you seem to have no problem with one group infringing upon the rights of another group and when friction happens you want to blame it on the trump crowd.

If the protestors had not decided to violate peoples right to free assembly we would not even be having this conversation.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying you would support Obama if he told people at one of his rallies that he would pay the legal fees of people who attacked protesters who attacked him?
Yes but it would be a little silly since the secret service takes care of that shit.


Well-Known Member
The trump supporters were going to a location to hear trump speak. The protestors were actively preventing that from happening. I do not advocate assault against anyone.

But you seem to have no problem with one group infringing upon the rights of another group and when friction happens you want to blame it on the trump crowd.

If the protestors had not decided to violate peoples right to free assembly we would not even be having this conversation.
Not a single case where a protester lost it. The people attending the Trump rally in support of Trump have indeed beaten protesters. That's called assault. Good people don't lose it and assault others.

Nobody's rights are infringed by peaceful protest in a public place. You feel that a person protesting Trump's racist rhetoric should be beaten. Says a lot about you.


Well-Known Member
Not a single case where a protester lost it. The people attending the Trump rally in support of Trump have indeed beaten protesters. That's called assault. Good people don't lose it and assault others.

Nobody's rights are infringed by peaceful protest in a public place. You feel that a person protesting Trump's racist rhetoric should be beaten. Says a lot about you.
I have heard quite a different story about what happened with the protestors. I feel that anyone should be able to have a meeting and speak, even if you dont like it.


Well-Known Member
I have heard quite a different story about what happened with the protestors. I feel that anyone should be able to have a meeting and speak, even if you dont like it.
Not a single report anywhere says that an anti-Trump protester assaulted a Trump supporter. All the arrests and reports have shown Trump supporters losing it and punching a protester while they were being escorted out. Do you want me to post the videos?


Well-Known Member
Not a single report anywhere says that an anti-Trump protester assaulted a Trump supporter. All the arrests and reports have shown Trump supporters losing it and punching a protester while they were being escorted out. Do you want me to post the videos?
In Chicago there was violence on both sides. Stop being naive.


Well-Known Member
In Chicago there was violence on both sides. Stop being naive.
I only know what I can read and see in videos online. There has not been a single incident that I can find -- and unlike you, I looked for one -- that said or showed anything other than Trump supporters punching a anti-trump protester. In one case they even kicked the man when he was down.

Are you saying that beating peaceful protesters at a Trump rally is justified?


Well-Known Member
I agree.

I want to hold an anti-trump meeting at his next rally. It is entirely within my right to do so.
You would be incorrect there. Trump is renting private spaces and as such he has control over the venue and what goes on inside it.

It is your right to protest outside on public property.


Well-Known Member
You would be incorrect there. Trump is renting private spaces and as such he has control over the venue and what goes on inside it.

It is your right to protest outside on public property.
He is letting protesters in for political theater.

Do you say the beatings of peaceful anti trump protesters by trump supporters in the audience are justified?


Well-Known Member
He is letting protesters in for political theater.

Do you say the beatings of peaceful anti trump protesters by trump supporters in the audience are justified?
*sigh* I said within the last 4 posts that I do not advocate assault against anyone. How many times am I required to repeat that before you understand it?

But again, peaceful protestors belong OUTSIDE as they are not welcome inside.


Well-Known Member
*sigh* I said within the last 4 posts that I do not advocate assault against anyone. How many times am I required to repeat that before you understand it?

But again, peaceful protestors belong OUTSIDE as they are not welcome inside.
I say everybody is responsible for keeping their hands off each other in that venue. Doesn't matter who's rally it is. Yet time after time the only people beaten at those rallies are anti-trump protesters by somebody in the audience. Its all violence perpetrated by Trump supporters. That speaks volumes about the kind of people attracted to Trump.

And you say this: "But you seem to have no problem with one group infringing upon the rights of another group and when friction happens you want to blame it on the trump crowd."

Damn right I blame the violence on the Trump crowd. They are doing the beatings on peaceful protesters. You say you don't advocate assault yet you glibly justify it by saying that the beatings wouldn't happen if the protesters weren't protesting.