Giant Underground Alien Base


New Member
Ive been researching and looking into this stuff recently and it looks pretty serious. There is a lot of people who came out and talked about this place, most of them were killed, so you know something is up. The main base is called "Dulce Base" near Dulce, New Mexico. Supposedly there are branches of it that go throughout all of New Mexico, and North America. We are talking thousands of miles of underground tunnels/roads. It was started with a giant natural cavern system over a thousand years ago and they have been continuously adding onto it ever since, especially after the 1940s.

There are entrances/exits in every state in the USA. Supposedly the American Government has a lot of people down there working with the aliens. There are also many different species of aliens down there, everything from the small greys to reptilians, extra-terrestrials to highly intelligent evolved species of ancient dinosaurs. I dont know if all of this is true, but it looks pretty official from the stuff I saw. This is no joke either, there have been hundreds, if not thousands, of people injured and killed down there. Also, people reported missing have been seen down there never to be seen on the surface again. Seriously you need to look into this stuff, its amazing.

Here are some of the links I found:

(This is a very long read, but very very informative):
A Dulce Base Security Officer Speaks Out
(This guy, Phil Schneider, that worked near Dulce Base and nearly lost his life there in a battle with aliens, he was killed shortly after he came out and talked about Dulce):
YouTube - The man that killed 2 alien greys
(This seems like a good site, I havent looked into it yet):
Dulce Underground Alien Human Base
(This shows officical reports of underground bases and related in nearly every state in the USA):
UFO Bases, Underground Tunnels and Cities, Hollow Earth, Secret Government Bases, Alien Bases


Well-Known Member
Ha ha, one of those 'Excerpts' from a 1909 newpaper says the Gaurd has an M16 assult rifle.




Well-Known Member
Yep. What you thought we were the smartest ones on the planet?! hahaha we're wreckless and angry all the time!! except those of us who Blaze up lol .. and even a few of them are..

Back to the point.. If I was an intellegent race I DEF would not reveal myself to the humans.. They'd just mess up all our shit


Well-Known Member
If I was an intellegent race I DEF would not reveal myself to the humans.. They'd just mess up all our shit
As the kids say, "Tru Dat."

Why would I, a highly advanced alien race, even WANT to communicate directly with humans? We're basically still primitive primates only a few years out of the caves compared to them.

Not only that but we can't even get along with each other, how would we treat an alien race who's very existence shatters many of our age old superstitions. Hell until just recently we thought we were the center of the universe. How egocentric is that?


Well-Known Member
Yep. What you thought we were the smartest ones on the planet?! hahaha we're wreckless and angry all the time!! except those of us who Blaze up lol .. and even a few of them are..

Back to the point.. If I was an intellegent race I DEF would not reveal myself to the humans.. They'd just mess up all our shit
they are waitin for Bush to get out of office, then we will take them to our leader.


Well-Known Member
As the kids say, "Tru Dat."

Why would I, a highly advanced alien race, even WANT to communicate directly with humans? We're basically still primitive primates only a few years out of the caves compared to them.

Not only that but we can't even get along with each other, how would we treat an alien race who's very existence shatters many of our age old superstitions. Hell until just recently we thought we were the center of the universe. How egocentric is that?

Religions would be shattered.

Tons of people would trip.

and it'd take thousands of years for the human race to get over it and accept it.



Active Member
I have researched all this stuff all before if you slightly believe it or not or like stuff like this search up this stuff >> NWO (New World Order) , Illuminati , Skull & Bones Secret Society <<(George Bush and presidential ties) , Bohemian Grove << All of these topics are intertwined so even if you dig deep enough into 1 you'll read about all them eventually , its scary stuff I recommend NO TOKEING


Well-Known Member
It's great to educate yourself with new information, just make sure you do it with a skeptical eye. Don't just accept something some random website says without doing independent research yourself.


New Member
This is no joke man, this stuff is real. Research it for yourself. There has been a lot of people who came out and talked about it and ALL of them are dead (most likely killed, to make them shut up).

All Im asking you is to CONSIDER the possibility that this stuff is real for a short amount of time, and look into it and you will see what I mean. The people behind this are heavily relying on skeptics and hoaxes to keep people away from the truth. I think its pretty obvious that UFOs and aliens are real, there have been thousands if not millions of reported UFO and alien sightings, along with cattle mutilations and abductions. Think about it for a second, why would all those people lie about it? I am very intelligent and I am somewhat of a skeptic, but whether you believe it or not this stuff is real. But the most important thing is to look into it for yourself.


Well-Known Member
This is no joke man, this stuff is real. Research it for yourself. There has been a lot of people who came out and talked about it and ALL of them are dead (most likely killed, to make them shut up).

All Im asking you is to CONSIDER the possibility that this stuff is real for a short amount of time, and look into it and you will see what I mean. The people behind this are heavily relying on skeptics and hoaxes to keep people away from the truth. I think its pretty obvious that UFOs and aliens are real, there have been thousands if not millions of reported UFO and alien sightings, along with cattle mutilations and abductions. Think about it for a second, why would all those people lie about it? I am very intelligent and I am somewhat of a skeptic, but whether you believe it or not this stuff is real. But the most important thing is to look into it for yourself.

yea..although theres alot of skeptics..its always a possiblity that something out there does bigfoot..people may believe in him, or may doesnt matter..the native americans claim hes real..and there has been many people that have claimed they seen him...not everyone can be lying...some people even took lie detectors and passed.. so for one second..if u think about it..there may be something else out there..i mean scientists are always discovering new species and stuff..


Well-Known Member
I saw that movie, don't worry we win.
damnit you took what I was going to say haha. but that would be very interesting if this was true. They have been doing some serious boaring (not sure if i spelled that right) if they have put entrances in every state in the u.s.


New Member
damnit you took what I was going to say haha. but that would be very interesting if this was true. They have been doing some serious boaring (not sure if i spelled that right) if they have put entrances in every state in the u.s.
Supposedly, the guy said that they have a direct entrance right in from a road or something in Wyoming or someplace like that. I dont think its a public road anymore though.

If you think about it, all this stuff could easily be true. I mean we are just the public, the masses, 99% of people easily could have no idea about this stuff and they could hide it as good as they do. The reason that the word needs to get out though is all the bad stuff thats going on down there, thats the reason why a lot of the people came out and talked about it. There has been hundreds of people killed and a lot of bad stuff going on down there. Also there has been guys down there that saw missing people that were never seen again like I said. Shit like that is just wrong, they shouldnt be allowed to do that shit and nobody is doing anything about it.