Help with raccoons


Well-Known Member
yep as a matter of fact equal parts GM and reg coke (w/sugar) supposed to drop them in their tracks. Not so good on any other mammal by the way. (Malrin) i think, fly spray for horse and cattle barns
Is it equal? I thought u just needed a couple tsp per 10oz? Can't find much info on it.


Well-Known Member
havaheart trap +catfood+ 30 gal drum water.
If you want to trap them I suggest a couple of things:
1) Buy a quality trap (they will tear up a cheap cage trap)
2) Use marshmellows! Do NOT use cat food or dog food unless you don't mind catching every dog, cat, opossum, & skunk in the area. Raccoon's love marsh mellows but most other animals do not...
3) Don't touch trap with hands, wear gloves.
4) Take the raccoon at least 10 miles away (I recommend 20miles) unless you want it to come back.
5) Raccoon's normally have 2-4 young babies to take care of from March-May & sometimes even in the fall, so please remember to look at the tits of the raccoon before releasing it to make sure it isn't a nursing female. You don't want to risk having to pull dead STINKY baby raccoons out of your attic, or paying someone like me hundreds of dollars to do it for you.
6) If you do manage to catch a nursing mother in a trap keep her hydrated & in the shade & her babies (if old enough to walk) will usually come to the trap & you can catch them & haul them off with their mother. Keep in mind that raccoons normally have 3-4 babies so if only 1 or 2 babies come to the trap then you might have to hunt down the other one's.
If the babies don't come to their mother in the trap & you can't find them then you should let the mother out of the trap because the babies will starve to death if you haul her off.

The other posters gave some good advice for deterring them with predators urine & not using any meal in your holes that might attract them. You can also build a cage around your plants using hardware cloth (chicken wire is no good), but be sure to dig a 2ft deep & 1ft wide trench to put the HW cloth in or else the raccoons or other critters (skunks) will just dig it up. Raccoons are very tenacious lil critters & you might consider hiring a professional if you're in an area that has a lot of them. GL


Well-Known Member
Please don't try to poison any raccoon's, it is very inhumane & not worth the risk if you get caught.
Also, if you decide to trap it/them remember that it is illegal in most states to transport them without a license due to the fact that they carry rabbies, raccoon roundworm (parasite that can be deadly in humans) & other disease, so call your local animal control to haul them off for you (for free) if you live in a municipality that offers animal control.
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Well-Known Member

Raccoons keep digging up my plants?
Any ideas besides electric fence? Do those ultrasonic things work?
Wire netting does wonders ..yeah that chicken fence stuff

proprietary concoctions do work but not really well

the best is what I do with rippers

capture one, .. chain him to a post and fed him once a day

after a month no rippers or pests let him go

should he follow you ...then

you have a friend for life

good luck

ps pic Man captures photo of raccoon 'riding an alligator'
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Virtually Unknown Member
i just been watching coon vids and they are so damn cute i want one now. do you suppose i could use a leg hold trap to catch maybe a bigger boar coon and would he eat a weiner out of my hand?


Well-Known Member
Raccoons keep digging up my plants? Any ideas besides electric fence? Do those ultrasonic things work?

I'm assuming you are using organics?

Coons, skunks and foxes used to dig up my outdoor patches when I used organics.. I switched to synthetic n they stopped.


Well-Known Member
where we used to poach catfish at night this big ole boy would always come see us. we never had any lights. I used to hand feed him pieces of mackerel.


Well-Known Member
Used to have problems with them getting in the trash. Caught one in it once and walked up to him and laid into him with the broom handle. He just looked at me and went on about his business. I gave up . lol


Well-Known Member
Raccoon is an intelligent animal but let's not get crazy here.. Coyotes kill them and barely outweigh them. My dog is large but he killed his first of many at 7 months old.


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming you are using organics?

Coons, skunks and foxes used to dig up my outdoor patches when I used organics.. I switched to synthetic n they stopped.
Well not really, it's as soon as I plant seedling peat pellets in the ground, they come along and pop ever single one out. Once the plant is established they leave alone. I have tried using the native soil thinking it would smell the know as a starter soil instead of the peat pellets but that didn't work either.


Well-Known Member
Animals love fresh earth.. It smells good and its really easy to dig in for grubs n bugs... Dig the holes n let em sit for a few days ... Then backfill and water n spray neem on top of the mound.


Well-Known Member
Animals love fresh earth.. It smells good and its really easy to dig in for grubs n bugs... Dig the holes n let em sit for a few days ... Then backfill and water n spray neem on top of the mound.
I will give it a try, you know what I was thinking is to put a 45lb weight over plant from my weight bench, you know, slide it through the hole. Then once it is established a little bit slide weight off before it gets to big to. I know they are stout little creatures but idk if they could toss around a 45. What do u think?