Help with raccoons


Well-Known Member
I use ammonia and coyote urine. I pack old film containers or aspirin bottles with cotton balls then fill about half way. I hang them on the fencing with pipe cleaners. It works on my veggie garden should work for you.
Thanks, I'll try anything. None of the repellent you buy from store works.


Well-Known Member
Don't use fish or bone meal in your holes. Make your holes early and let them root around for awhile til they know there is nothing there for them
good point... and if they hate the smell of neem as much as I do, I imagine a good topdress of neem around it may help too.
But who knows
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Well-Known Member
Don't use fish or bone meal in your holes. Make your holes early and let them root around for awhile til they know there is nothing there for them
Good idea, I have tried using rubber gloves too when planting to eliminate some smell. I have heard they don't like to walk on top of wire fence.


Well-Known Member
I hear they are good eating .
I did to. I run into fish and game the other day and asked if they were safe to eat here. They said yes and no. Not only can they carry rabies but can carry various k9 diseases.

Maybe if I lived far enough out I would but I'm sure city raccoons are nasty.

Raccoons keep digging up my plants? Any ideas besides electric fence? Do those ultrasonic things work?
Live traps with the moist cans of cat food work for catching them.
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Well-Known Member
Human piss is probably better
Tried that too, all they do is pop the peat pellet out and leave it on the ground, then I come back next morning and replant then, then they come back and pop out and I replant until I pitch the plant because it is all messed up.