Well-Known Member
I agree 100%.Dude all that bullshit we learned about bad fat, fuck all that. I drink the shit, then I go blow it out on my mountain bike!!!
In fact my mom's a dietician.
polys, vs, monos, saturated, vs HYDROGENATED (those are the killers)
BUT 350 calories is still 350 calories..
I can't have more than 2200 a day man, or I get man boobs... (that's the life of a mid 30s guy)
I'm 6'4" 200 lbs.
Got a crappy metabolism, I lift weights, and have a pretty high lean body mass%.
BUT... carbs... sugars... anything more than 2200 cal a day, and I get fat..
I love the ladies man.... and the better I look? The better they look...
besides chicks dig pectorals