Sweet-N-Sour Cookies and Pez Berry Sour


Well-Known Member
Ok.. let's get to it....... first pic is the p.b.s. as you can see all 10 have germinated and the tap root is long and healthy like I like it. Second pic is s.n.s. still all 10 have germinated it's 3 tap roots that's not as long as I like but it's cool. So a 100%germination rate. So I'm about to plant them in pro mix hp soil in solo cups. Then it's off to my veg tent.



Well-Known Member
What I like to do if I don't have 4in pots is use solo cups. They work just as fine just need to watch your roots in about 2 weeks 3 at max. I fill the cups up with soil then water them. Let them drain for ten min then place seedlings in cups and put them under the lights. Reason I water first is because putting the seedlings in a pot then watering can push the seedling down to far and it takes longer to break soil. This is what works for me.



Well-Known Member
Sounds like 1 of 3-5 phenos I'm searching for. Im searching for a true og kush pheno or og hybrid with all the og goodies, a sour lemon lime pheno, a true gas diesel pheno, and a knock you head off with the smell old skool skunk funky pheno and a unmistakable cookie pheno. I'm hoping to come across at least 3 out of 5


Well-Known Member
So I will be using the @Uncle Ben 's four top method to top my Sweet-n-sour and pez berry..... they are both packs of regs so I will be doin something a lil bit different I'm gonna top all 20 but only 10 of my choice will go n2 1 gal gro bags till they fill out then is to the 7gal gro bags for a week or two then Jan 24th flowering time lol.... :blsmoke: back to the thread got ahead of myself...... the reason I'm only taking 10 plants 5 Sweet-n-sour n 5 pez berry is for me to better select the best two phenos. Im Goin to keep two different phenos of the same strain. And with some of them being males it will be much easier to compare.