The shake hands and make up thread.

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let me come on my hand first, then we shake yes :)
mmmmm, NO deal. Put your spooge hand back into your sisters pants :lol:
I appreciate the sentiment AlienWidow but i cant shake hands with psychos...I really cant bro. Some people just make me fuckin sick with toying with other peoples minds or lives...i think there is a better use of peoples time then doing that. The internet is a wonderful thing with a plethora of information right at our fingertips. I like to help people, I find comfort in that and thats the main reason I'm here. TnT is just for fun and how it really should be ..FUN. It shouldnt be full of bs and people pushing the bar all the time and have to have mods follow them around. its just very disrespectful to make these people work extra hard when they are working and volunteering their time. No one takes this thread seriously, sorry for that...but toying with people lives is serious and I take offence to that.
meh its an internet fight. Doesnt really mean anything. I love your input into the threads. Your a sweetheart with a dark side. I miss the sweetheart side. Ive been avoiding you because of the drama. Lifes nicer when your not angry.
I'm sorry alien widow of I ever offended you. Let's shake hands and let bye gones be bye gones. The past is the past. It's time for a clean slayte. I miss u bro, and I want you back in my life. anything less would be unsatisfactory.
i take your hand in peace. Im sorry for ever ignoring you. Karate? In the garage? 10 minutes? :):):)
I appreciate the sentiment AlienWidow but i cant shake hands with psychos...I really cant bro. Some people just make me fuckin sick with toying with other peoples minds or lives...i think there is a better use of peoples time then doing that. The internet is a wonderful thing with a plethora of information right at our fingertips. I like to help people, I find comfort in that and thats the main reason I'm here. TnT is just for fun and how it really should be ..FUN. It shouldnt be full of bs and people pushing the bar all the time and have to have mods follow them around. its just very disrespectful to make these people work extra hard when they are working and volunteering their time. No one takes this thread seriously, sorry for that...but toying with people lives is serious and I take offence to that.
then why keep bringing it up?

I appreciate the sentiment @Alienwidow , you are one of the good ones.
I don't have anyone on ignore. It disrupts the continuity of a thread. Just smoked some green queen and had one toke too many. Must get into Grinch pajama bottoms, Hendrix tank top and become one with my tempurpedic. Peach out.

LOL *peace out
Do those Grinch pants have his little dog too? If not, I will be running to Mood Fabric and making my own Grinch-dog forever lazy immediately.






Other than how they are spelled and where they are used, there is no difference between offenceand offense. Offenseis the preferred spelling in the United States, and offence prevails in all the main varieties of English from outside the U.S.

The American spelling gained steam through the 19th century, after being promoted in Noah Webster’s 1831 dictionary and all later editions, but didn’t become the more common form in the U.S. until the early 20th century. The spelling was not invented in the U.S., however. Webster and his contemporaries, in forging what they viewed as a more logical and more American variety of the language, actually just revived an old spelling that had been appearing to varying degrees since the 14th century, long before the United States existed. The Oxford English Dictionary cites examples of offense from as long ago as 1395—and their earliest instances of offence are from just a decade earlier—though it is true that the modern British spelling was settled by the 17th century and that offense was no more than a rare variant by the time the Americans adopted it.

Regardless of spelling, the word is usually pronounced OFF-fence in sports-related contexts, and off-FENCE in all other contexts. There’s no good reason for this difference. Blame sports commentators.
Yes I know, I was teasing Diabolical :-) Just being flip. :eyesmoke:
mmmmm, NO deal. Put your spooge hand back into your sisters pants :lol:
meh its an internet fight. Doesnt really mean anything. I love your input into the threads. Your a sweetheart with a dark side. I miss the sweetheart side. Ive been avoiding you because of the drama. Lifes nicer when your not angry.
i take your hand in peace. Im sorry for ever ignoring you. Karate? In the garage? 10 minutes? :):):)
IM not angry bro...just dont take kindly to home wreckers/psychos.. this aint no god damn dating site mmmmk. IM not going to jump in your pm box and show you my tits so you will like me or take my side on things.People are being divided by a wack job bro because they dont know any better. I could really care less what anyone thinks about me...Im here in tnt to have some laughs, not see people get hurt.
you may dissect any of my words in this paragraph.
I'm still waiting for someone to tag me with an apology... A few someone's actually...

@Gary Goodson
I apologize for not giving you the reach around you asked for last Tuesday. I was balls deep and thinking about other things. I know it's not an excuse, and that you always give me what I ask for. Please accept this sincere apology and know that next time we 69 I will take you all the way down to the hilt, and lick the seam of your scrotum.
Im not sure what it is for that i think of it... its probably just made for a front row seat to all the action
It was made cause im sick of ignoring all the shit thats going on. Someone told me in another thread the day before that it was immature to gang up on dave and i look like a twat doing it. I guess i was high at the time and kinda took a step out of the situation and looked in and agreed. So i ended it with dave because i dont care anymore. Im not here to fight all day, its a waste of time, you guys are like a second family to me and when all this is going on i feel like im walking on egg shells.
Its like mainliner. He's obviously a big sack of hooker abortions and his presence used to outrage me. Id hound him and fight with him round after round. Who won? Nobody. Hes still around. He still sucks. Hes less of a spoonful of dried up cum, but theres still something wrong with that manchild, but now i just respond to his shit differently.
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