hash oil?


Well-Known Member
so can anyone tell me how much bud i would need to make 1g of oil? just got this bad ass pen but dont know how much i need to fill up this chamber. also, if anyone would like to share how they made their oil i would love to try something new. lmk.
The amount of oil a plant produces is a direct result of how many trichomes are on the plant, so you could have shitty weed and will get oil, but you will get little and of lesser quality , or on the other hand have great weed with loads of trichomes and get lots of great oil,., so there is no mathematical equation you can determine the amount, I wish i had a better answer for you but thats the one thing to consider, so if you use pure bud you will get more oil than if you used just fan leaves. Its all about peeling the trichomes off the plant. Also the way you make your oil can effect your return,, What type of processes are you planning? isopropyl or butane? fresh weed or dried?


King Tut
dank bud gives 30% yield, some medical states get up to 50% return but they got all the latest tech
Doing it yourself for the first time, aim high expect low. Never heard of a 30% yield on a personal scale run. But then again, I'm a near total novice in this area.


Well-Known Member
ive never heard of anyone ever getting a 50% yield (of decent oil) from any plant material. its just not an attainable number even from thebest buds in the world. simply because no buds are close to 50% cannabinoids.

as for the question tthere are so many variables to yield its not even funny, give us a little more info on your plan.


Well-Known Member
I just blasted 2oz or sugar leaf and only ended up with. 5g of bho shatter. My first ever oil run... I've read online you can expect 10-20% return from bud.. www.fuckcombustion.Com has some good info on oil, check it out


Well-Known Member
I do qwiso and get decent 10-15% or so.. but theres a lot of crap you're also taking out like chlorophyll.
I'll use 99.9% iso .. not that denatured stuff tho.
I usually do a 12 second wash, mostly on sugar leaf, stems, crap buds etc.


Well-Known Member
The amount of oil a plant produces is a direct result of how many trichomes are on the plant, so you could have shitty weed and will get oil, but you will get little and of lesser quality , or on the other hand have great weed with loads of trichomes and get lots of great oil,., so there is no mathematical equation you can determine the amount, I wish i had a better answer for you but thats the one thing to consider, so if you use pure bud you will get more oil than if you used just fan leaves. Its all about peeling the trichomes off the plant. Also the way you make your oil can effect your return,, What type of processes are you planning? isopropyl or butane? fresh weed or dried?
i want to do iso and i will be using actual buds... thanks for the advice dude... do you know anything about iso? any tips? i have 90%iso


Well-Known Member
Dunno if this is the greatest method but this is what I do.

Coffee filters
Square clear glass bowl
Razor blade
2x Glass/bowl or something bigger depending on amount of stuff your going to make oil from.
Hair dryer - optional for quick purging

Take your buds, put them in a glass, or bowl or whatever depending on amount of bud/shake/leaf/stem you have.
Pour ISO in to cover everything completely. Count to 12.
Pour out bud/iso mixture into your strainer over your second glass, bowl or whatever to filter the big chunks of crap out of the iso.
Clean strainer, put 2 coffee filters that are together into the strainer, then pour the semi filtered ISO into the coffee filter/strainer setup over your square clear glass bowl. Let ISO drain through filters. Takes some time depending on amount. Large amounts, pour slowly as coffee filter is slow.

Once the filtered ISO is now in your square clear glass bowl ... take a hair dryer and lightly blow dry the iso in the bowl until it is all gone. Do this in a well ventilated area, and hold a little distance from the bowl as sparks etc could ignite the off-gassing. If this method has you fearing explosions, then just leave the glass container out somewhere for 24-48 hours to purge/evap naturally.

A sticky semi movable clearish substance is left on the bottom of the bowl. Take razor blade, sterilize it if it's not, scrape the blade across the bottom of the bowl and watch the oil accumulate all over it. Again, depending on how much you make, you might need something bigger then a razor to scrape.

Take a dab, light it. If it catches on fire, chances are it isn't purged enough and you still have ISO in your oil.
Wait longer or hairdry more.

i want to do iso and i will be using actual buds... thanks for the advice dude... do you know anything about iso? any tips? i have 90%iso
You want to use 99% iso, the other 10% in the 90 % iso is an oil you dont want. One thing that is very important is use everything cold, so freeze the iso, freeze the dried buds. I use a 2 liter bottle with the bottom cut off, making a big funnel, I then put a coffee filter inside the funnel and then pack it full of frozen buds, leaf, trim. Then I run the ice cold iso thru 3 times, the iso should now look like apple juice. Then just evaporate the iso out of the liquid you made.The reason you want everything cold is because you dont want any chlorophyll being leached out of the plant matter, Its not a hard process and this is a very quick break down, but thats how i do it and i get honey coloured oil. You can save the iso you boil off by using a pressure cooker and have a tube running off the top where the stopper usually sits, have the other end of the tube in a very large wine making bottle or something because it comes out as a vapor and condensates on the side and drips down, using a small container you will lose all in vapor


Well-Known Member
you can find 91% iso where the only inactive is water, but water is somrthing you want to avoid in this extraction. anhydrous iso would be a better choice.


Well-Known Member
Yea cold is a key factor, I freeze the herb and all tools for 24 hrs prior, then after wash and filter I freeze the solution for another 24hrs then filter again. This removes some chlorophyll and waxes leaving a more stable tasty oil. I avoid using a fan or anything else to speed evap, as too much movement of the solution will cause buddering (making your clear shatter into an opaque creamy substance). If you really need to help it you can put a fan pointed out a window with the solution behind it, drawing air across the surface and out the window. A warm room also helps, but it should be noted that extreme care should be taken with all steps if done indoors, as this is a highly flammable substance..
For some really great info on all kinds of extractions check out this link:
