What i meant by stress is ph imbalance causing ur plants to not be able to absorb nutrients, light leaks during off hours, bugs, heat stress, light burn, over watering, under watering. Basically im referring to anything thats causing ur plant stress thats not beneficial.
Supercropping is perfectly fine just allow recovery time. Often tying down can achieve similar results without stuning it the way super cropping does. Super cropping creates stronger branches which can support more weight, however the plant requires recovery time.. Its a great technique but u need to do it juat right. Here is one of my supercropped plants in pictures from a while ago. Tying down will form similar knuckles at the leads of the branches.
Topping will create much more predictable growth. Fimming will create multiple tops but they will be quite random where they grow from. Fimming can often create tops that cant support bud weight which is where supercropping can be useful.
As for cloning, to be succesful ph ur rockwool to 5.8 . Make sure u shake out excess water, thats the main thing that will cause ur stems to rot. Do not scueeze the rockwool cube, just flick your wrist for the excess water to come out. Do that until its damp but not saturated. When u take ur clones, try to do the final 45 degree cut under water and try to do it near a node, roots grow faster. Lightly scrape the edges of the stem that are going into the rockwool. Clip 1/3 of the leave tips off the fan leaves so ur plant stops trying to grow upwards.
Day 1-4 keep humidity 90% and 72-79 degrees **dome vents closed.
Open the dome for a minute or so twice a day to let air exchange.
Day 5-6
Open vents halfway. Try to let humidity go to about 70%. Check cubes to make sure they are still damp and not dry. If dry lightly dip the bottom 1/4 of the cube in water . You should see the bottom 1/3 of the rockwool soak up water not no higherthan that. Shake out excess water.
Day 7-10
Monitor for roots. When u see roots close the dome vents and run high humidity. U can put water in the grooves of the tray at the bottom if u want..
Most importantly NEVER pour water on the rockwool from the top . It slows down the whole process.