Legal to grow and possess illegal to sell

LOL high costs my ass. If everyone and their brother is growing it, it wont cost shit.
Again how much does a LB of dandelions cost?

It's a fucking weed. You don't even need grow lights. You can get autoflowers now and grow them in your window

Not everyone and their brother will be growing it. There will still be plenty of people who can't grow or don't want to.

What do you consider a dirt cheap price per gram? Oregon prices are still around $7-10 a gram. Not that big of a difference to what I pay in a non legalized state: 8.50/g

It's not a weed, can we please stop comparing it to dandelions? lol

Edit: I do get your reference though, cannabis is a resilient plant that can still grow in spite of poor care.

A crime should be a crime because it is a danger to society. People shouldn't go to jail over improper paperwork. I could see a fine, but not a felony. Are the licenses available to all or just a select few?

Theoretically yes, license are available to all. In reality the prices would limit them to a select few.

The dispensary application fee was $5000 alone with only $1000 of that refundable. Another $5000 for the registration certificate and a $1000 renewal fee.

With this ballot initiative being backed by dispensary owners, I can't imagine business license getting any cheaper.
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Not everyone and their brother will be growing it. There will still be plenty of people who can't grow or don't want to.

It's not a weed, can we please stop comparing it to dandelions? lol


1 the market will be saturated enough it will go to under 2 bucks a gram easily

I know where this stuff has been growing for at least 40 years that I know of and probably 40 years before that.
Shit grows up to 15 foot high with buds 4 foot long.

It doesn't matter if it's ditch weed. It is still pot
LOL high costs my ass. If everyone and their brother is growing it, it wont cost shit.
Again how much does a LB of dandelions cost?

It's a fucking weed. You don't even need grow lights. You can get autoflowers now and grow them in your window

Last I checked, no one was lining up for dandelions at any price.

And people want it regulated so quality controls can be put in place. Without regulations, who fucking knows what these assholes are putting in their grows.

If its so easy to grow, let the people who want free weed grow their own, and people who want a pro to do it and pay their way can do that. Not sure why we can't have both, unless everyone just thinks that weed growing unicorns are going to provide free top shelf product all day long for just fucking nothing.
1 the market will be saturated enough it will go to under 2 bucks a gram easily

I know where this stuff has been growing for at least 40 years that I know of and probably 40 years before that.
Shit grows up to 15 foot high with buds 4 foot long.

It doesn't matter if it's ditch weed. It is still pot

Again, people want quality, not your fucking ditch weed. You don't get quality from anyone willing to give it away or sell at below production costs.
Last I checked, no one was lining up for dandelions at any price.

And people want it regulated so quality controls can be put in place. Without regulations, who fucking knows what these assholes are putting in their grows.

If its so easy to grow, let the people who want free weed grow their own, and people who want a pro to do it and pay their way can do that. Not sure why we can't have both, unless everyone just thinks that weed growing unicorns are going to provide free top shelf product all day long for just fucking nothing.
You know spandy that is really exactly how I feel.
However as I have stated before the fastest way to get the law on the book is
Legal to possess and grow
Illegal to sell

Making it legal to sell opens up a whole big can of worms that delays legislation making it legal to grow and possess
The solution isn't crying about laws changing in favour of cannabis users.
Rob, you can't have it both ways.

And now you suggest that regulation won't keep people safe. What the fuck man, give yer head a shake!

Regulation will keep more people safe than buying a dime bag from some degenerate. The degenerate doesn't have product being scientifically tested for quality.

Rob, your whole "I hate rules and I'm a slave" bullshit is just that, complete bullshit. Your life must be a series of days full of misery with your outlook.

Like I said before, find your lawless utopia and let us know where it is so we can choose to stay away from the lawless land of Rob Roy.

Enjoy the rape and pillaging while I stay home and enjoy my weed.

Speaking of regulatory agencies the DEA is one aren't they ? How many people have they "kept safe" ?

Did you hear about the river in Colorado the EPA fucked up recently?

What keeps people safe is the ability to make their own choices and to trade with those they trust without fear of government criminality being imposed on them.

I don't think you have characterized my position very well either, the first rule I try to adhere to is not to run others lives for them, you might give it try. Peace.
Good point, there are still a lot of puritanical states out there. I have never heard of anyone going to jail over homebrewing. I may be wrong though.

As long as the slaves obey, they don't whip many of them. But you must first check your freedom at the entrance to the plantation.
The solution isn't crying about laws changing in favour of cannabis users.
Rob, you can't have it both ways.

And now you suggest that regulation won't keep people safe. What the fuck man, give yer head a shake!

Regulation will keep more people safe than buying a dime bag from some degenerate. The degenerate doesn't have product being scientifically tested for quality.

Rob, your whole "I hate rules and I'm a slave" bullshit is just that, complete bullshit. Your life must be a series of days full of misery with your outlook.

Like I said before, find your lawless utopia and let us know where it is so we can choose to stay away from the lawless land of Rob Roy.

Enjoy the rape and pillaging while I stay home and enjoy my weed.

The law assumes authority over peaceful people arises from the government. If that isn't self evidence of at least some form of enslavement, I'll refrain from lame Wendy's jokes for several days.

Who OWNS YOU? You or somebody else? You can't have it both ways!
Seems to me that there are several states where it is LEGAL to buy, sell, grow, trade, giveaway, ...

Things are working out great for them.

Name one other "product" in this world that is legal to grow and posses but illegal to sell.

This premise is ridiculous.

Aren't poppy illegal to sell?
I don't think you have characterized my position very well either, the first rule I try to adhere to is not to run others lives for them, you might give it try. Peace.
your positions
Its ok to discriminate based on skin color in a public business
and an adult can have sex with a 13 year old child as long as the child consented to the sex
1 the market will be saturated enough it will go to under 2 bucks a gram easily

I know where this stuff has been growing for at least 40 years that I know of and probably 40 years before that.
Shit grows up to 15 foot high with buds 4 foot long.

It doesn't matter if it's ditch weed. It is still pot

I don't mean to derail your thread but there really is no such thing as weeds. Only plants growing where we don't want them. If I was growing mint and I had strawberries popping up in my garden, the strawberries would be considered a weed.

I did edit my post to clarify that I understood the reference you were making.

The main point I was trying to make is that even in a saturated market like Oregon; with the cheapest prices in the county, we're not seeing these dirt cheap prices that should come from an increase in supply. It's as if prices have become standardized and it would take undercutting on a massive scale to get them to go any lower.
I don't mean to derail your thread but there really is no such thing as weeds. Only plants growing where we don't want them. If I was growing mint and I had strawberries popping up in my garden, the strawberries would be considered a weed.

I did edit my post to clarify that I understood the reference you were making.

The main point I was trying to make is that even in a saturated market like Oregon; with the cheapest prices in the county, we're not seeing these dirt cheap prices that should come from an increase in supply. It's as if prices have become standardized and it would take undercutting on a massive scale to get them to go any lower.
The Oregon market is not saturated yet. and just like Colorado, California and elsewhere it is legal. There is upward pressure because the bulk of the weed grown is actually getting exported
your positions
Its ok to discriminate based on skin color in a public business
and an adult can have sex with a 13 year old child as long as the child consented to the sex

No, I do not endorse a persons actions when they discriminate based on race. I think it's stupid. I do however endorse that people have the right to control their own property and body in ways that I wouldn't. You do not.

My position defaults to self ownership. Yours defaults to the boot licking nanny statist mind set, where people are not free to choose their own path, Prohibitionist .
Last I checked, no one was lining up for dandelions at any price.

And people want it regulated so quality controls can be put in place. Without regulations, who fucking knows what these assholes are putting in their grows.

If its so easy to grow, let the people who want free weed grow their own, and people who want a pro to do it and pay their way can do that. Not sure why we can't have both, unless everyone just thinks that weed growing unicorns are going to provide free top shelf product all day long for just fucking nothing.

I endorse your line about letting people make up their own minds regarding procurement of the weed. Indeed, in a free market, people could chose between a multiplicity of suppliers or grow their own. The prices would eventually reach an equilibrium, which brings value to consumers and rewards the best and most efficient suppliers.

Nobody would be (or should be) a criminal for growing, consuming or trading in a naturally occurring plant. That is a worthy goal.
1 the market will be saturated enough it will go to under 2 bucks a gram easily

I know where this stuff has been growing for at least 40 years that I know of and probably 40 years before that.
Shit grows up to 15 foot high with buds 4 foot long.

It doesn't matter if it's ditch weed. It is still pot
There is no way in hell I would let my stuff go for 2 dollars a gram. I have more time and investment in it than that and i think most indoor growers would agree with me. That would be basically 56 dollars an OUNCE. You seriously think people are going to be selling indoor kush for 60 bucks an ounce?
No, I do not endorse a persons actions when they discriminate based on race. I think it's stupid. I do however endorse that people have the right to control their own property and body in ways that I wouldn't. You do not.

My position defaults to self ownership. Yours defaults to the boot licking nanny statist mind set, where people are not free to choose their own path, Prohibitionist .
Now you are simply lying