Sexy Colas 8 1/2 Weeks In, Still Doesn't Look Quite Ready...


Hey guys/girls, so I bought some Jillybean seeds a hybrid strain from TGA Genetics, ( if you are interested. The advertised length of harvesting was supposedly 8 weeks long, however I did not chop them down because I did my research and they don't seem done still.

Some of the hairs are still white and stringy and haven't really changed color yet, the trichomes themselves look white and haven't darkened in color. But I don't understand what's taking my gals so long to finish up? In a few days it will mark 9 weeks! Is this normal? This is my first grow but it went quite nicely imo. Thanks for any responses guys/girls!

Another thing I wanted to add is that I have already started flushing my plants in anticipation of the harvest, but I expected them to mature quicker than they are. As this creates a problem, I will now be flushing for 3 weeks+ if they don't come around. What do i do?



Well-Known Member
two (if not three) weeks left; i'm unsure what you should do since you've already started flushing, but i think she looks a bit overfed so you should be good. nice first grow! :cool: nice to see someone doing some research.:clap:


two (if not three) weeks left; i'm unsure what you should do since you've already started flushing, but i think she looks a bit overfed so you should be good. nice first grow! :cool: nice to see someone doing some research.:clap:
that's interesting because since I have been flushing it should look starved of nutrients (deficient), the leaf edges are turning yellow i'm guessing from a lack of nitrogen in the medium.


Well-Known Member
that's interesting because since I have been flushing it should look starved of nutrients (deficient), the leaf edges are turning yellow i'm guessing from a lack of nitrogen in the medium.
well, not under the light she probably looks a lot different. how about a full picture of her?

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
that's interesting because since I have been flushing it should look starved of nutrients (deficient), the leaf edges are turning yellow i'm guessing from a lack of nitrogen in the medium.
Based on the leaf curl and how dark your leaves are, I'd say you're over watering and over feeding. That's why you don't see any deficiencies.

Lastly, they do not need nitrogen at all


Based on the leaf curl and how dark your leaves are, I'd say you're over watering and over feeding. That's why you don't see any deficiencies.

Lastly, they do not need nitrogen at all
Yeah I was just reading up on nitrogen toxicity, but I don't see how that's even possible considering I stopped nutes 2 weeks ago and have been flushing. I think the leaf curl might be from heat because I live somewhere it gets REALLY HOT and i'm upstairs with no A/C. I think the yellowing is just because they are ending the cycle, but i'm not for sure what do you think I should do for now?


the other plant gets the same nutes and nothing is different but only one has that extreme leaf curl, it also appears to have more mature buds than the first pic

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Yeah I was just reading up on nitrogen toxicity, but I don't see how that's even possible considering I stopped nutes 2 weeks ago and have been flushing. I think the leaf curl might be from heat because I live somewhere it gets REALLY HOT and i'm upstairs with no A/C. I think the yellowing is just because they are ending the cycle, but i'm not for sure what do you think I should do for now?
Not to be rude buddy, but you're telling what you "think" and I'm telling you what I KNOW...

Edit: what I think you should do is stop flushing them and let them dry out a little. When you do water again, use plain water and don't over water them. Best way to tell when your plant needs water is to lift the pots.
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Not to be rude buddy, but you're telling what you "think" and I'm telling you what I KNOW...

Edit: what I think you should do is stop flushing them and let them dry out a little. When you do water again, use plain water and don't over water them. Best way to tell when your plant needs water is to lift the pots.
i think they're overfed and need at least two (or three) weeks. sometimes even running the same strain, you'll have one girl who needs special treatment.
I'm just saying that they haven't been fed at all for two weeks, zero nutrients. If you both think it is overfed, or over-saturated with nutrients then I should just keep giving them only water? Also the curling like that is only occurring on the bud leaves, if that makes a difference.

@Gary Goodson I won't water again until the medium is completely dry again by the way

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
I'm just saying that they haven't been fed at all for two weeks, zero nutrients. If you both think it is overfed, or over-saturated with nutrients then I should just keep giving them only water? Also the curling like that is only occurring on the bud leaves, if that makes a difference.

@Gary Goodson I won't water again until the medium is completely dry again by the way
What I'm seeing is the fan leaves curling and super dark green. That means they are over fertilized and most likely over watered as well.
So, yes, only give them water, but don't water them till they're dry.

What size pots are they in?