Oh so much shit..... How many reservoirs have I fucked up? How many plants were maimed? I've gotten into the wrong car and my key started it! Talk about a shock. So I made a game of moving this other students car around the parking lot, good times, someone finally ratted me out and then my car started moving!
I've lost my car in the, old, Disneyland parking lot so at least there was only one level to contend with. Except it wasn't my car it was my boyfriends who was on shift and came out after work and couldn't find the car. Do you know how long it takes for the Disneyland parking lot to clear? Yeah.
I forgot to slide my feet into the strap on the catamaran and tumbled into the Bajia de los Tigres, when we picked up enough speed to fly a hull and my friends were to stoned to turn the cat so I had to swim to Ensenada.
One of the most embarrassing was tucking the back of one of my skirts into my pantyhose (and no I was not wearing underwear), everyone got to see my ass. I still blush over that one. I could write a book on stupid shit I've pulled.