So does everyone, it's called interest.
Currently that interest is Negative for 90% of Americans. Chesus doesn't get the fact that when you put that dollar into SS, that dollar would buy you a gallon of gas or 3 loafs of bread, when you go to collect that money the $3 you get back out for each $1 you put in looks like an amazing deal, except now the same bread cost $3 a loaf and gas is $4 a gallon. All you really did was lose money.
You could have made plenty of money when interest rates were normalized in the past, but now with rates under 4% and inflation on many things exceeding that rate, its a losing proposition for most Americans.
Only about 20% of us have more than $25,000 put away in any form of retirement, in other words, 80% of Americans will rely on the other 20%'s retirement funds to also fund their own retirement.
If interest rates were allowed to rise, the interest alone on the debt we already have will consume more than all the taxes taken in yearly, resulting in nothing more than a default on debt and the biggest crash ever will happen overnight. If we keep interest rates low, we can get the populace to fund the governments largesse for quite a while longer, keep borrowing from the future until there is no future and the system crashes, but over a much longer period of time, from whence recovery will also take a number of decades too. All of the TBTF banks will eventually fail no matter what, when confidence in the dollar wavers as it has been for last 20 years it becomes like a snowball rolling down a hill. Gaining momentum and growing ever larger as it crushes everything in its path while gaining strength from that process until in the end nothing is left standing. This is our future and like all bankruptcy, there are two ways it happens, gradually then suddenly.
A day of reckoning will come when the choice to either shred the US Constitution and start over under Sheep(tyranny)skin or to elect someone under the premise that all the spending has to stop and to accept the inevitable short term suffering just like we did during WW2 with rationing and victory gardens.
The idea that an entire economy can be managed correctly by tampering with interest rates and creating more or less of the supply of bits of paper and digital equivalents is not proper reasoning. Systems such as those are gamed by those in the power structures of the world. A system that cannot be so easily manipulated by fiat is in order.