Quantum Kush 38% THC?

The Americans arm most terrorists groups through intermediaries. See: Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

We have a history of arming people that shouldn't be, that's for sure. We are also really poor at setting up other people's governments and regimes. Nation building hasn't been our specialty.

I'm not a fan of Hilary, I don't hate her, I simply think it's more of the same. Plus the idea that she "deseves" a nomination is something i am against. Romeny thought the same thing, he "deserved it" simply outspending the field. I have to say, when i went to the Republican presidential debate, it was an awesome experience. Was weird being a staunch liberal listening to people boo a soldier for being gay. The next Republican field of potential candidates is full of dunces, peddling the same failed economic policies and hawkish militarism. Neither are good for this country. Can't say many Democratic candidates are looking any better

No way. He'll rock an Obama bumper sticker before that would happen

Den he just hasn't gotten laid in a while, poor boy needs to sow some oats and come back a respectable gent like old times.
Den he just hasn't gotten laid in a while, poor boy needs to sow some oats and come back a respectable gent like old times.

That's an awesome post. You could not decorate yourself and your value any better.

Have a look back through the last pages of this thread, and see how adults behave.
Well tell them decapitating fucks to bring it to my door then cus I got a 12 ga and way to much target load to get rid of, start a "cleansing" myself.... when the pope says go ahead and shoot them to stop what they are doing that should open some eyes.

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" If they really think we're the devil...then let's send 'em to hell." - Blue Oyster Cult circa 1979


This shit is scary scary, Anti-American sentiments in western schools being taught to the most ideologically vulnerable: the children.

The old testament wasn't acceptable in modern times and was changed, Islam's clerics if they had humanities best interest at heart, like they keep saying they do, would revise the damn texts that tell them to kill me and to infiltrate the western world to kill us from within. Their religion states they can disregard teachings as to infiltrate our societies and attack from within without raising suspicion. They have done it several times in America and people are still standing by "oh religious respect"

Why is it ok for the Qur'an to say to kill everyone different, but Mein Khampf was evil? Cause the Qur'an is a religious text? It should be banned in the western world until they revise the violence and hatred out of it. The atrocities committed in the name of Islam are just as horrific as the committed in the name of Hitler. Islam has been at it longer and is continuing to get away with genocide.

I am intolerant of a religion that says it's members should kill me for not believing, not only that they should feel good about killing me because they have done the lords will. The same damn way I am intolerant of neo-nazi's spreading hatred.

How on earth does anyone accept that book? How is there not weekly burnings in the street? Oh cause we'll hurt feelings? and all religions should be respected? So if Hitler made Nazism a religion instead of a political movement we would have respected it? It's no different, it's genocide.

I can disparage a religion, I have no problem, being part of that religion is a choice, and so is the hatred. If there are peaceful members that's fine and dandy, but they aren't the majority, the majority is tearing up the middle east and stoning people in the street. These stoning incidences are villages of people killing another person... that's fucked up.

Opinions clearly differ, but in my opinion, that's articulated as well as I can imagine.


This shit is scary scary, Anti-American sentiments in western schools being taught to the most ideologically vulnerable: the children.

The old testament wasn't acceptable in modern times and was changed, Islam's clerics if they had humanities best interest at heart, like they keep saying they do, would revise the damn texts that tell them to kill me and to infiltrate the western world to kill us from within. Their religion states they can disregard teachings as to infiltrate our societies and attack from within without raising suspicion. They have done it several times in America and people are still standing by "oh religious respect"

Why is it ok for the Qur'an to say to kill everyone different, but Mein Khampf was evil? Cause the Qur'an is a religious text? It should be banned in the western world until they revise the violence and hatred out of it. The atrocities committed in the name of Islam are just as horrific as the committed in the name of Hitler. Islam has been at it longer and is continuing to get away with genocide.

I am intolerant of a religion that says it's members should kill me for not believing, not only that they should feel good about killing me because they have done the lords will. The same damn way I am intolerant of neo-nazi's spreading hatred.

How on earth does anyone accept that book? How is there not weekly burnings in the street? Oh cause we'll hurt feelings? and all religions should be respected? So if Hitler made Nazism a religion instead of a political movement we would have respected it? It's no different, it's genocide.

I can disparage a religion, I have no problem, being part of that religion is a choice, and so is the hatred. If there are peaceful members that's fine and dandy, but they aren't the majority, the majority is tearing up the middle east and stoning people in the street. These stoning incidences are villages of people killing another person... that's fucked up.

Damn! That's some disturbing shit in those articles
Yeah voting in this day and age is just who you disagree with less and think wont be easily swayed by profits.
2016 isnt shaping up to be much better but I have said it before and will say it now, if scott walker makes it on the ballot im not even voting and will begin working on becoming a Canadian citizen that day lol.

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You may want to wait until we elect a government here that isn't worse then anything America can come up with. Almost everything this government has done in the last 5+ years has been overturned by the supreme court, this is after disrespecting our political system and manipulating it to get these shit bills past.
I love how threads do this, this was a total shit show :) Now it's most awesome.

Good debates sirs. Off to buy some toilets :)

I enjoy a good debate. Always have, was a debate nerd in high school. That's probably where I learned that most "debates" today are not debates but simply dumbed down opinions, shouting matches over one another, and lacking of substance. I mentioned up thread about Intelligence Squared pod cast and highly recommend it to people who enjoy civilized, formal debate with fascinating people to boot

Link here.