So I Got in a Bar Fight...


Well-Known Member
Can't knock a fellow canuck. The bald frog poutine loving bastard.
"Dis guy, he really cross the line...."


hahaha - what were we talking about?

Oh - how all guys who pick fights that are not getting paid for it, are closeted homosexuals that have a fetish for punching.



Well-Known Member
It's 2 on a friday lady. It's my drunk night, the thoughts are just not coming legible. Now here's frank.

It's 5:30 am, on a Saturday! I have been working for an hour and a half already. You should be ashamed of yourself....

Because - FUCK BLANKETS...



Well-Known Member
Getting stoned and eating wheaties in your pajamas does not constitute a job.
hahahahah - what about working 16 hours a day, for 20 days strait, in a fly-in camp, cooking for government environmental scientists who are just trying to make the world a better place...

And in conclusion - please take a step back, and literally fuck your own face!

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I probably just need to eat something too. Let's never fight again!!! I like you!

Steve French

Well-Known Member
It's all gravy. I only jest. Now excuse me, I gotta get into my pajamas and cry into my wheaties. I might do the same if I had to go to Baffin or Rankin or one of those godforsaken places and get 3 tomatoes and a cucumber with some rice and cheesy bread.


Well-Known Member
It's all gravy. I only jest. Now excuse me, I gotta get into my pajamas and cry into my wheaties. I might do the same if I had to go to Baffin or Rankin or one of those godforsaken places and get 3 tomatoes and a cucumber with some rice and cheesy bread.
Sleep with one eye open little French man...

I know where you live...


Well-Known Member
Lets put it plain and simple.... I lost(maybe?)

It's the 4th of July and i go out to the bar with my sister. For some reason we catch beef and later go outside. Outside i see the guy and he makes a B-line for me, I say don't cross this line ( some imaginary line) my personal space.

He crosses the line and while i have my hands out to the side and chest presented face first. I believe he sucker punched me, but then again i cant shake the feeling that i may have swigged first.

I blacked out in rage waking up to the bouncer pulling me away. I know i got two or three solid hits, but im left pondering a minor fat lip. Minor fat lip meaning it was bleeding for 2-3 minutes afterward but is now unnoticeable.

The guy looked otherwise untouched,so im left with thinking i lost.

Since i was aiming for his temples and forehead i bet he will have a knot or two, but no blood was drawn.

IDK, im just upset because if i swung first that means i lost, other-wise he revived a bunch of punches from someone that he planned to KO.
that's alcohol for you. I do bath salts and just eat their face the second they get close enough.


Well-Known Member

Last day of work. Last mornin. Cut finger - boooooooo.

Typing with one hand sucks....hazhahaha

there's sooooooo much blooooooooooood


Well-Known Member