Looking for work, here's my resume.


Well-Known Member
Seemingly qualified to execute various tasks within a large corporate atmosphere. I am most certain there is a niche for you somewhere :P

The future awaits.

Your office is located just down the street at the corner of Know Your Row Blvd. and Jabroni Ave.

Peace :peace:


abe supercro

Well-Known Member
it is the year of the gargon..where the gargoyles eat cr.ass 24/7

And maybe that all haps at your employ 'sky-rim, whiterun' Well thanks for interviewin'...
we'll give you a call-back!


Well-Known Member
And why have you decided to move career away from pokemon? What transferable skills do you feel you can bring from the field of pokemon?


Well-Known Member
And why have you decided to move career away from pokemon? What transferable skills do you feel you can bring from the field of pokemon?
I like to keep challenged and after defeating the elite 4, there's really no room to progress.

As far as transferable skills, if you can train a Charizard to obey your commands, then you can pretty much train and manage any crew of employees.

how would you rate your skate-boarding skills?
Sadly not as well developed as I would like. Sure I can combo a kickflip mctwist, into a bluntslide with a heel flip exit, but there's still room for improvement.

Okay 1 interview down. It went rather well I think. Have to head down town in a few hours for another one. Figure while I'm down there, if they don't offer me the job right away, then I'll wander around and fill out some more applications.