how are they doing??


Well-Known Member
Please show me the ways of the Jedi ......... I to would love to learn how to grow hard mode .........
as far as yield its hard to tell but at least a few pounds

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
  1. Now now i appreciate all the love believe it or not i am just a man...thank you sunni and me if you guys need any growing tips.


Well-Known Member
you forget about them ?
i had a family emergency and i was out of town for 2.5 weeks i came back to a box full of those
like around 15 veggies dried up in coco

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I know i come off as a smartass asshole. But im much more then that ...i made this thread to show everyone how to properly grow bud. I hope you all enjoy my thread..feel free to ask me anything you want about my growing methods..


Well-Known Member
i didnt want to be rude at first
BUT ..... youre doing wrong brother
youre supposed to top it 1/2 cm above soil at this age
it should double or even triple the yield ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be brutally honest here mr sunshine at the risk of hurting your feelings, everyone else is being nice saying how great those plants are because you are a nice guy and everything but they look really horrible and like half dead so there (next time maybe water at least once)


Well-Known Member
Are you chuck esteves, UB and caretaker dad huddling around a 386 using a sockpuppet account? Teach me exhalted one. Make me your disciple. How do i become a level 8 master?
If you do not answer after i wait outside your door for 3 days in the rain with no food, water or access to el bano and the pidgeons shitting on my shoulders I will assume I am not worthy and leave to go commit ritual seppuku at the beach to entertain tourists. PLease o great one, consider my worth. I am ugly but loyal and will blindly follow you anywhere. Even off a cliff. I mean that o sagacious one.
