Why do cannabis produce t.h.c?

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Sorry, I'm not here to be someone's bitch. I am here to answer questions.

He came here to ask questions about things he doesn't know about, when told the answers, he claims I don't know what I am talking about and wants to start arguing...

Over the top?? Have to say, I really don't give a shit.
there is no need to pick on the little foreign boy, you kids play nice


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I'm not here to be someone's bitch. I am here to answer questions.

He came here to ask questions about things he doesn't know about, when told the answers, he claims I don't know what I am talking about and wants to start arguing...

Over the top?? Have to say, I really don't give a shit.
You know no shit, you are trying to impose your angle of view which is nothing else but crap! And to bitch me lol. Your fucking imature and now gtfo of my post. It has still unknown utility just fucking accept it YOU ARE WRONG and the fact that your ego made you came back here after you said that your gone just prove how much you cant accept to be wrong or to not have the last word. I dont need that kind of person to answer my question because all you see and want to see is what you can see from your own stupid eyes and pseudo experience. See, you have more '' experience '' in life then me since you are older and still you are way more imature than i am, '' experience '' doesnt prove anything and you perfectly show it ;)


Well-Known Member
LOL! But Dad, He picked on me first!

I don't play nice, I go for the jugular.

Especially when people ask me for advice and then want to argue that I am wrong as if they're the expert and waste my time by not listening.

At near 50 years old, time is valuable to me, wasting it trying to teach someone who asks questions but refuses to listen to the answers, pisses me off.


Well-Known Member
LOL! But Dad, He picked on me first!

I don't play nice, I go for the jugular.

Especially when people ask me for advice and then want to argue that I am wrong as if they're the expert and waste my time by not listening.

At near 50 years old, time is valuable to me, wasting it trying to teach someone who asks questions but refuses to listen to the answers, pisses me off.
LOL? your the one that said first '' OHHH I HAVE 30 YEAR OF EXPERIENCE STFUUUUUU '' i dont even know why im loosing my time your clearly stupid Mr expert pro mod 30 year of growing i know every fucking things. and BTW scumbag you still ignored again and again ( because you cant find an answer for it ) WHY DO WE HAVE T.H.C RECEPTOR IN OUR BRAIN IF ITS ONLY USED FOR A PLANT PROOOOOOOOOTECCTIOOOOOOOOON? HOW DID IT APPEARD IN OUR EVOLUTION IF ITS ONLY A PLANT PROTECTION ?!?!?!?! try to fucking answer that you old bastard but i know you wont cuzz you will just keep ignoring it and say that you right on everythings to not face the true fact that you are wrong and its still has unknown purpose that mr pro mod 30 year growing doesnt know! and that would hurt your ego since i would be right
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Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
And yet you still ignored

LOL? your the one that said first '' OHHH I HAVE 30 YEAR OF EXPERIENCE STFUUUUUU '' i dont even know why im loosing my team your clearly stupid Mr expert pro mod 30 year of growing i know every fucking things. and BTW scumbag you still ignored again and again ( because you cant find an answer for it ) WHY DO WE HAVE T.H.C RECEPTOR IN OUR BRAIN IF ITS ONLY USED FOR A PLANT PROOOOOOOOOTECCTIOOOOOOOOON? HOW DID IT APPEARD IN OUR EVOLUTION IF ITS ONLY A PLANT PROTECTION ?!?!?!?! try to fucking answer that you old bastard but i know you wont cuzz you will just keep ignoring it and say that you right on everythings
i missed that one


Well-Known Member
Sooo are you leaning towards the theory
that they developed psychoactive compounds so we would develop a symbiotic relationship with them upping their chances to thrive.
It think that is mumbo jumbo.
Im sure it happened as a direct result of an environmental set of threats as was
stated already.
What is your theory op?


Well-Known Member
Sooo are you leaning towards the theory
that they developed psychoactive compounds so we would develop a symbiotic relationship with them upping their chances to thrive.
It think that is mumbo jumbo.
Im sure it happened as a direct result of an environmental set of threats as was
stated already.
What is your theory op?

Considering that the marijuana plant is about a billion years old.... and humans have only existed for 2 million years at the VERY most.... I think I have to agree with the mumbo jumbo theory.... BUNK!

THC is a direct result of the environment, and then later on in modern times human intervention...


Well-Known Member
Sooo are you leaning towards the theory
that they developed psychoactive compounds so we would develop a symbiotic relationship with them upping their chances to thrive.
It think that is mumbo jumbo.
Im sure it happened as a direct result of an environmental set of threats as was
stated already.
What is your theory op?
Seriously i dont have any man! Well i got some i mean its for sure can be used for alot of thing like protections and so much unknown things but the fact the the male plant dont produce it simply blown my mind up because both need has much protection has the other to make the specie survive, one as the other cant let anything eat them to death until they did what they have to do so why???? it cant be used for protection at all or ONLY for protection because both specie would produce it to make them survive the best way as posible

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Seriously i dont have any man! Well i got some i mean its for sure can be used for alot of thing like protections and so much unknown things but the fact the the male plant dont produce it simply blown my mind up because both need has much protection has the other to make the specie survive, one as the other cant let anything eat them till they die until they did what they have to do
one male can pollinate many females, are we still talking about posi?