Prostitution - Good or Bad?


Well-Known Member
I can see how it was condemned back in the day, however, it's 2014, and it's about g'damn time we CHANGED some of the "olde" bullshit that still haunts us to this day.

Pregnancies can be prevented today, and so can S.T.D.'s, so the "public health" risk no longer applies.

Working girls perform a valuable public service IMO, as their services are therapeutic to both body AND mind.

Seems pretty g'damn silly to me that you can pay somebody to cut you open and add / remove parts of your body, but you can't pay somebody to massage your sexual organs? That's ridiculous.

Think of all the prostate cancer the working girls could detect and prevent. Those ladies could be saving lives!!!


Eye of Horus

Well-Known Member
I can see how it was condemned back in the day, however, it's 2014, and it's about g'damn time we CHANGED some of the "olde" bullshit that still haunts us to this day.

Pregnancies can be prevented today, and so can S.T.D.'s, so the "public health" risk no longer applies.

Working girls perform a valuable public service IMO, as their services are therapeutic to both body AND mind.

Seems pretty g'damn silly to me that you can pay somebody to cut you open and add / remove parts of your body, but you can't pay somebody to massage your sexual organs? That's ridiculous.

Think of all the prostate cancer the working girls could detect and prevent. Those ladies could be saving lives!!!


Seriously I approve


Well-Known Member
I can see how it was condemned back in the day, however, it's 2014, and it's about g'damn time we CHANGED some of the "olde" bullshit that still haunts us to this day.

Pregnancies can be prevented today, and so can S.T.D.'s, so the "public health" risk no longer applies.

Working girls perform a valuable public service IMO, as their services are therapeutic to both body AND mind.

Seems pretty g'damn silly to me that you can pay somebody to cut you open and add / remove parts of your body, but you can't pay somebody to massage your sexual organs? That's ridiculous.

Think of all the prostate cancer the working girls could detect and prevent. Those ladies could be saving lives!!!

Here is the only problem with that.

Pretty much in all places it exists, even where legal, prostitution is a chore taken on by disadvantaged young girls.

There always has been a social stigma attached to being a prostitute.

Undoubtedly, it would draw the ire of the feminists.

Forgot to say the point I meant to say...

This social stigma follows these girls through life. It disadvantages them long after they hang up their six inch heels.
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Well-Known Member
yes we must save them from themselves.bnb. definitely.
what, no free market approach.
oh i get it. the market goes on the back burner when social issues arise. then Control must rear its ugly head.

completely rational. my mistake

Eye of Horus

Well-Known Member
Here is the only problem with that.

Pretty much in all places it exists, even where legal, prostitution is a chore taken on by disadvantaged young girls.

There always has been a social stigma attached to being a prostitute.

Undoubtedly, it would draw the ire of the feminists.

Forgot to say the point I meant to say...

This social stigma follows these girls through life. It disadvantages them long after they hang up their six inch heels.
What about in Game of Thrones , yeah the whores don't get to marry the highborne but they seem to get treated "decent". I totally understand that it is the girls without that enter these fields however if there were a way to make the profession more "therapeutic" and less "skank whore bitch" kinda mentality it would be cool.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying it should or shouldn't be legal.

I'm commenting on the consequences of legalization of it.

I tend to think it should be legal, for no other reason than its going to exist either way, and if legal it can be regulated and made safer for all involved.

The only problem is it is often a one way ticket to a dead end life. How would prostitute look on a resume? Think a 40 year old working girl has a good future?

Did I really just read someone use game of thrones as an example for something in real life?


Well-Known Member
it should be legal. and in a store front. so all the girls are tested , you check in and they can test you right there . quick std test . and you can meet the ladies or nasty guys and fuck with out warning. no rape wont go down . why ? because sick fuckers get there rocks off hurting people. if it was legal and std free hell yea why not fuck away . I would . not saying I have to pay look at me . but I like a hot lady as well .

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The problem with prostitution is STDs. No one wants to wear a condom. The public health trumps getting your dick off. Before someone mentions vaccines, the difference is one is forcing vaccines is an act of aggression.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
One does not "own themselves" rather, they are not property at all.
That's just because Bertrand Russell didn't want to feel guilty because he fucked Vivianne and T.S. Elliot had her committed as an act of revenge. What kind of punishment is the bitch taking half in a divorce?


Well-Known Member
What about in Game of Thrones , yeah the whores don't get to marry the highborne but they seem to get treated "decent". I totally understand that it is the girls without that enter these fields however if there were a way to make the profession more "therapeutic" and less "skank whore bitch" kinda mentality it would be cool.
Of course Television shows are real and all.

Cars really do blow up when they go off a cliff, and all explosions are fiery incendiary ones.


Well-Known Member
Here is the only problem with that.

Pretty much in all places it exists, even where legal, prostitution is a chore taken on by disadvantaged young girls.

There always has been a social stigma attached to being a prostitute.

Undoubtedly, it would draw the ire of the feminists.

Forgot to say the point I meant to say...

This social stigma follows these girls through life. It disadvantages them long after they hang up their six inch heels.
Are you a fucking complete retard?

Ever been to Amsterdam? Those girls have a lower STI rate than the fucking NUNS there.

In Poland, a prostitute was fined 2 or 3 years ago for non payment of €400,000 in taxes FOR ONE YEAR.

Shes obviously downtrodden and poor as fuck...

You are a sheltered, racist, dumb, little fuck and a key example of why the rest of the world looks down on Americans as being ignorant idiots.

And I know most of you are intelligent, imaginative and engaging to talk with, but I can see where the stereotype comes when its in relation to bigoted, fundamentalist, loud mouths like you.


Well-Known Member
Prostitution should absolutely be legal

It would certainly change the dynamic of marriage. Can't really deny a big part of marriage is sex, so either women who still wanted to get married would have to step the rest of their game up to compensate or fuck better than a professional, either way, it's a win/win for men in that respect

Makes sense why women lobby groups oppose it, it takes some of their power away


Well-Known Member
Prostitution should absolutely be legal

It would certainly change the dynamic of marriage. Can't really deny a big part of marriage is sex, so either women who still wanted to get married would have to step the rest of their game up to compensate or fuck better than a professional, either way, it's a win/win for men in that respect

Makes sense why women lobby groups oppose it, it takes some of their power away
Not sure if that's why women's groups lobby against it. All this "power" you guys talk about that women have over men. When all I hear from my gender is that men call the shots…And I doubt that while sex is a very important part of marriage, (granted an importance often overlooked by wives) that women would feel the need to "step up their games" for fear their husband would start seeing hookers. If a married guy is going to play around, hooker or affair, that's his character. Those kinds of men will screw around regardless of if prostitution is legal or not.

Ever read Camille Paglia? She's a feminist with an often unconventional opinion . (and for the record, I would consider myself pretty far from the feminist agenda. Any group that has such a narrow agenda are dogmatic and short sighted IMO)

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Prostitution should absolutely be legal

It would certainly change the dynamic of marriage. Can't really deny a big part of marriage is sex, so either women who still wanted to get married would have to step the rest of their game up to compensate or fuck better than a professional, either way, it's a win/win for men in that respect

Makes sense why women lobby groups oppose it, it takes some of their power away

Sometimes when things are made illegal, it changes the way an act manifests, but it doesn't eradicate the act entirely. For instance, pot is widely used despite the heavy hand of illegality.

I'm not sure that legalizing prostitution would markedly increase an already booming business, that is until the prices drop.

Legalization would likely lower prices and clean up some of the seedier operations. Without government intervention, prostitutes would be more open and in order to secure business they would have to provide a good service at a competitive price.

It might also empower women too, as I hear some of them enjoy a no strings attached session.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if that's why women's groups lobby against it. All this "power" you guys talk about that women have over men. When all I hear from my gender is that men call the shots…And I doubt that while sex is a very important part of marriage, (granted an importance often overlooked by wives) that women would feel the need to "step up their games" for fear their husband would start seeing hookers. If a married guy is going to play around, hooker or affair, that's his character. Those kinds of men will screw around regardless of if prostitution is legal or not.

Ever read Camille Paglia? She's a feminist with an often unconventional opinion . (and for the record, I would consider myself pretty far from the feminist agenda. Any group that has such a narrow agenda are dogmatic and short sighted IMO)
The power dynamic usually leans towards women until they reach an age where they're no longer aesthetically competitive, that's why I try to advise my female friends to find a suitable mate while in their 20's if possible, because after that it will be harder and the chances of finding someone successful decrease as value decreases. That's not to say it's impossible or women can't do it, many do, just that like sports, it's tougher for 30 somethings to compete against 20 somethings.

I wasn't talking about already married men, I was talking about unmarried men. If men could buy sex, it would take away a significant incentive for men to get married. That, in turn would take away a significant amount of power women hold over men.

I've never heard of her, I'll check out some of her work

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The power dynamic usually leans towards women until they reach an age where they're no longer aesthetically competitive, that's why I try to advise my female friends to find a suitable mate while in their 20's if possible, because after that it will be harder and the chances of finding someone successful decrease as value decreases. That's not to say it's impossible or women can't do it, many do, just that like sports, it's tougher for 30 somethings to compete against 20 somethings.

I wasn't talking about already married men, I was talking about unmarried men. If men could buy sex, it would take away a significant incentive for men to get married. That, in turn would take away a significant amount of power women hold over men.

I've never heard of her, I'll check out some of her work
Sex is certainly an incentive, but there are others too.
One of the incentives for a man to get married is to father children with somebody that he cares about and respects.

Also men can already buy sex. If the prices got low enough though the rate of hairy palms could drop.


Well-Known Member
The power dynamic usually leans towards women until they reach an age where they're no longer aesthetically competitive, that's why I try to advise my female friends to find a suitable mate while in their 20's if possible, because after that it will be harder and the chances of finding someone successful decrease as value decreases. That's not to say it's impossible or women can't do it, many do, just that like sports, it's tougher for 30 somethings to compete against 20 somethings.

I wasn't talking about already married men, I was talking about unmarried men. If men could buy sex, it would take away a significant incentive for men to get married. That, in turn would take away a significant amount of power women hold over men.

I've never heard of her, I'll check out some of her work
Ah got it. See, Padawan I was coming at it from an "older" perspective. Very diplomatically put : "no longer aesthetically competitive." RFLMAO! Ya mean when our eggs are past pull date and we're dried up old hags at 35

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So, if i rape a girl, if i throw 50 bucks at her when I'm done, does that make it ok?

If you rape a prostitute, is it theft then?

No you it is not okay to engage in nonconsensual acts with another person and then buy them roses.

If you rape a prostitute it is a form of theft, or more accurately an initiation of aggression. Acts of initiating aggression are wrong, even when self appointed "leaders" or coercive governments, prohibitionists and Wendy's floor shitters employ those tactics.

Acts of initiating aggression under the guise of "doing good" are the hallmark of a sick society. That would be the present paradigm.