is this site 'safe' for posting etc??


hey, don't like take offense or anything, but yeah,
I wanna start my growJournal, and share all the fruitful knowledge, etc, etc
but I don't want to be in Jail somepoint cause I posted and got tracked nsa style on some fucking site.

I know the integrity of the site stands strong, and in most cases, my situation is comparable to 'childs play' to your 'big ops' but still, where I'm from (New Zealand) it's still 'illegal' (as much bullshit as this may be)

I just want to make the most of this awesome hobby.

meet some like minded individuals
share the love
and have fun with my new (I'd definitely call this) PASSION

I've kept tropical fish for years, and grown my own vege garden with varied success.
ben smoking since 16 (26 now) *woah, feeling old*

and had 'no' real run ins with the long dick of the law

I plan to keep my ass safe and sound.

plus, I got a wife (2 weeks ago, thankyouthankyou) and 1year old daughter

I am loving the posts/pics and the Journal idea ! I feel it will keep me motivated and successful in my 'endeavours'

lots of love.

.... CE

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
as long as you aren't aspiring to be the next tony montana of should be good.

enjoy the site and your new found loves brother :)
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tip top toker

Well-Known Member
At the end of the day, anything you put on the internet could potentially be used against you, be it a rig account, or a Facebook photo. As with most all sites on the internet, don't post anything you wouldn't want others to see or use. There is always a risk, no matter how minimal and unlikely, so you just have to decide whether you are happy to accept such a small risk by posting details of an illicit activity.

Short story is there's not much harm at all, but you post at your own risk :-)


Active Member
Its better to share here than with friends. Friends tell people that tell people that break into your house or call the police. True story.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Technically RIU doesn't support anything illegal.
Despite this many post their illegal grows anyway.
I'm not a medical mj user. I don't post pics of any operation. At times I wish I could and sometimes I'm tempted but rational "thinking" and my children that need me stops me. Another thing that stops me from posting op pics is there isn't any money in it and there is nothing to gain by doing so. I am simply here to lend a hand and in certain cases, I can't see any harm in doing so.