Total Noob using teas and I am a believer


Well-Known Member
Guess I let my soil dry out a bit too much. I was afraid I was overwatering cause of the wrinkle in the leaves but I was wrong. Any advice on what to do with the coconut water I got. My son wanted a coconut so I kept the "milk"?. I'm thinking foliar with aloe and the coconut water.
Wrinkly leaves seem to be the theme with my Bodhi. All my sugar leaves look like my sac. I've been told it's DJs blueberry, but it's happening on my BO. Redic male ratio still! I'm getting some Soma and Doc fems.

You can dilute the coconut water 1:15 for a good enzyme kick. Enzymes are used best in soil.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Wrinkly leaves seem to be the theme with my Bodhi. All my sugar leaves look like my sac. I've been told it's DJs blueberry, but it's happening on my BO. Redic male ratio still! I'm getting some Soma and Doc fems.

You can dilute the coconut water 1:15 for a good enzyme kick. Enzymes are used best in soil.
Back off on the nitrogen Red. Wrinkles will stop I bet.

Anyhow fellas, I just found keystroke and then some monitoring software on our PC. Not hackerware. An open source logger called KidLogger. Looked them up, legit company requiring an account and software needs to be installed direct onto the device.

I would really like to not suspect my wife. But nobody else touches that machine. Our daughter is far from ready to get on the web so it is not there for her.

In my country, only 20 years or so ago, privacy was a right people were busy dying for.

What say you fellas, what's your gut feel on this? Thing is, if it is NOT her you fellas have seen the last of me and I need to pull down the grow. Reality bites my friends.


Well-Known Member
Back off on the nitrogen Red. Wrinkles will stop I bet.

Anyhow fellas, I just found keystroke and then some monitoring software on our PC. Not hackerware. An open source logger called KidLogger. Looked them up, legit company requiring an account and software needs to be installed direct onto the device.

I would really like to not suspect my wife. But nobody else touches that machine. Our daughter is far from ready to get on the web so it is not there for her.

In my country, only 20 years or so ago, privacy was a right people were busy dying for.

What say you fellas, what's your gut feel on this? Thing is, if it is NOT her you fellas have seen the last of me and I need to pull down the grow. Reality bites my friends.
Fuck that Hamish. You're not going anywhere. :shock: My gut feeling is that's its her. Rarely are someone's gut feelings wrong. This was your initial feeling too a long while ago. I hope I'm not crossing a line here bro but wtf is wrong with women? Aren't we supposed to be on the same team with our spouses? I for one will not accept you leaving.


Well-Known Member
Back off on the nitrogen Red. Wrinkles will stop I bet.

Anyhow fellas, I just found keystroke and then some monitoring software on our PC. Not hackerware. An open source logger called KidLogger. Looked them up, legit company requiring an account and software needs to be installed direct onto the device.

I would really like to not suspect my wife. But nobody else touches that machine. Our daughter is far from ready to get on the web so it is not there for her.

In my country, only 20 years or so ago, privacy was a right people were busy dying for.

What say you fellas, what's your gut feel on this? Thing is, if it is NOT her you fellas have seen the last of me and I need to pull down the grow. Reality bites my friends.
Read this before you go making any accusations that might bite you in the ass.


Well-Known Member
Well, you do need to confirm how it got there, or else
you must assume the worst.

We need your spirit here, but FREE!



Well-Known Member
Back off on the nitrogen Red. Wrinkles will stop I bet.

Anyhow fellas, I just found keystroke and then some monitoring software on our PC. Not hackerware. An open source logger called KidLogger. Looked them up, legit company requiring an account and software needs to be installed direct onto the device.

I would really like to not suspect my wife. But nobody else touches that machine. Our daughter is far from ready to get on the web so it is not there for her.

In my country, only 20 years or so ago, privacy was a right people were busy dying for.

What say you fellas, what's your gut feel on this? Thing is, if it is NOT her you fellas have seen the last of me and I need to pull down the grow. Reality bites my friends.
Holy shit Hamish! I would love to sugar coat this, but I'm not seeing a good scenario either way. I suppose it would be better if it were your wife than big brother ..... but damn! Maybe she feels there is no way possible that you spend so much time on a weed forum and thinks you're chatting with other gals??? Either way I hope this has a good resolution for you ....


Well-Known Member
Several keyloggers and fake virus scanners have legit professional and very deceptive looking sites, this does not mean they haven't installed themselves on your computer. They want to make it look legit so when you find it you go looking and throw money at them to either get it to go away or buy their service which is most likely never going to do anything for you.

Prime example "mycleanpc" they have TV commercials here to make them look legit, they are 110% a scam, it's a false virus scanner it tells you your computer is infected, or it's running slow because.... meanwhile nothing it detects is actually on your computer. Several of these same "virus scanning" softwares would install themselves if you went to nefarious websites without protection, they were a pain in the ass for someone who knows what they are doing to get rid of. This is the new form of virus. It's extortion.

Honestly, get rid of it and don't fret to much, If you're running windows Download and install Microsoft Security Essentials and keep it updated, you'll never have to worry about anything. Well other then the NSA and every other American agency but we all got to worry about that anyways ;)

The last thing LEO would do is install a keylogger on your PC, especially one you could google lol :) If they had a keylogger or some sort of monitoring software consumer grade antivirus' would not pick it up most likely, and if they did someone like Norton would be screaming from the rooftops to sell more copies of their product, they do it every single time a new virus is detected.

I'd be way more concerned about online banking and Credit card numbers then I would be about browsing growing forums. The filthy russians that steal this info don't give a shit what you're growing, they want to add your #'s to the list of thousands of other credit cards to sell in bulk.

Edit: I didn't even research it before I made this post, but of course it's the russians behind it


Well-Known Member
^Good news^

So what Mr Head is saying, is quit shaving your carrot on those seedy porn sites. :-)
Exactly, there is more than enough reputable messed up pr0n sites that no man should have to dig into the seedy russian trojan infested underbelly of the internet. Unless you're into some really fancy stuff, but that's your own personal thing, I don't judge :)


Still ask the wife, if she installed it voluntarily a stern lecture is in order :)

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Dammit multi quote won't work on my phone... So one by one, Gandalf: The gut feel is hardly ever off is it?... But in my case, used to be a pro DJ, had my fair share of stalkers. This fucked up my wife's head big time. But I feel I have earned my trust now. But she is working on earning mine now with this. I bitch about her a lot but I can only wish and hope you find a gal just like her.
SpicySativa: Thanks for that one! We are currently sitting together working this out. Best to come out with suspicions and accusations early on than let it fester...
JD: You are spot on, the exact source of this needs to be found. Looks like I will be calling in my hacker buddies. Crazy bastards. I won't have any weed left. What is it about computer people and severe tolerance for herb and psychedelics?!?!
Stow: Yup. Thanks to what I mentioned in my response to Gandalf, she will suffer dark thoughts like that for some time to come. Guess I have no right to be upset when she does, not her fault. Still sucks for me though, I was never a 'ladies man' at all.
Mr Head: You make a good point and it really is easing my mind a bit. THAT is the part that worries me, popo and rippers etc. I do not want my herb threatened in that way, I would just curl up and fall asleep and never wake up, visiting the girls is the best part of my day. Today was a stinky one too :)


Well-Known Member
What is it about computer people and severe tolerance for herb and psychedelics?!?!
Oh shit! I am found out!

It must have stored in its program files the point of contact
by which logged keystrokes are read. Yes, usually just burped
to an IRC channel or some such, but potentially to an email or
even a file.

That would seem to be the most likely very high end hack...after
running it in a virtual box that would allow me to see what
network traffic it suddenly generates. This latter thing would
seem way more doable.

I am a Tools Engineer though. I have been around long enough
and used to attend the Bugtraq meetings back in the early 00's
but I mostly write internal automations, with webs and guis before
that. Old-time Unix bigot. :0)

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Wrinkly leaves seem to be the theme with my Bodhi. All my sugar leaves look like my sac. I've been told it's DJs blueberry, but it's happening on my BO. Redic male ratio still! I'm getting some Soma and Doc fems.

You can dilute the coconut water 1:15 for a good enzyme kick. Enzymes are used best in soil.
Thanks red, any picture updates? I'm starting to think I'm the only one here who's growing.
@Hamish - If you can find the log of text that this keylogger is keeping, the very beginning of the log should give you clues as to who installed it.


Well-Known Member

I accidentally pulled a branch when I was giving it a tie to a bamboo stake, and broke the poor thing. Upside of that, I get some early Dank, LOL. These OBR flowers are so insanely dense, I love em! Kushy/earthy goodness. See, some of us do grow Herb.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3012847View attachment 3012848

I accidentally pulled a branch when I was giving it a tie to a bamboo stake, and broke the poor thing. Upside of that, I get some early Dank, LOL. These OBR flowers are so insanely dense, I love em! Kushy/earthy goodness. See, some of us do grow Herb.
Accidently my ass!!! ;) I've already "broken" 2 branches LMAO! I wouldn't blame ya...due to the sheer glistening dankness exuding from that fine specimen. Can't wait to see the ripe ones.