Halp with my first grow plz


New Member
thanks for the help and support suiaunoa and Got4m2e0. i was recommended the coco and nutrients from the grow supply shop. He advised this was the combination he used heres a picture of the 2 types. A and B for veg, A and B for flower
should i make a new thread or continue posting here? kinda new to this still.



thanks for the help and support suiaunoa and Got4m2e0. i was recommended the coco and nutrients from the grow supply shop. He advised this was the combination he used heres a picture of the 2 types. A and B for veg, A and B for flower
View attachment 2999957
should i make a new thread or continue posting here? kinda new to this still.
Awesome thanks for the pix


Well-Known Member
Advance nutrients is a brand I don't here too much about although I have noticed that people love to mention there additives that they sell. I guess that people who use them never have many issues, I really wouldn't know. Remember different things work for different people. What might work well with you may work fantastic for someone else. Providing that the nutrients are made for coco, is what makes the difference with coco. Some people say you can use anything providing you supplement calcium and magnesium into the diet.

I stick with a brand made specifically for coco, thus the nutrient is designed based on how coco sequesters certain nutrients and releases others at the same time. It's a different type of nutrient with different needs that come with it. I believe that the sensi line is designed as a hydro nutrient, not so much as a coco. Now they may have a coco line and even a soil line for sensi, so I'm sure the guy would not set you up for failure and would point you in the right direction so you keep coming back to buy more. Than again advance nutrients is a very pricey brand to boot. I have never been a fan of how they have so many supplements, makes me wonder why they don't just add everything the plants needs to begin with instead of making you buy so many other things. I guess money comes to mind but that has always discouraged me. I'm sure you will have good results, I don't have as much free time as I have had before but I will be on from time to time if you have any issues you are having trouble with. I do suggest you look up the sick plant guide and print it out cause you need to know how to read your plants when growing with coco. It is a must.


Advance nutrients is a brand I don't here too much about although I have noticed that people love to mention there additives that they sell. I guess that people who use them never have many issues, I really wouldn't know. Remember different things work for different people. What might work well with you may work fantastic for someone else. Providing that the nutrients are made for coco, is what makes the difference with coco. Some people say you can use anything providing you supplement calcium and magnesium into the diet.

I stick with a brand made specifically for coco, thus the nutrient is designed based on how coco sequesters certain nutrients and releases others at the same time. It's a different type of nutrient with different needs that come with it. I believe that the sensi line is designed as a hydro nutrient, not so much as a coco. Now they may have a coco line and even a soil line for sensi, so I'm sure the guy would not set you up for failure and would point you in the right direction so you keep coming back to buy more. Than again advance nutrients is a very pricey brand to boot. I have never been a fan of how they have so many supplements, makes me wonder why they don't just add everything the plants needs to begin with instead of making you buy so many other things. I guess money comes to mind but that has always discouraged me. I'm sure you will have good results, I don't have as much free time as I have had before but I will be on from time to time if you have any issues you are having trouble with. I do suggest you look up the sick plant guide and print it out cause you need to know how to read your plants when growing with coco. It is a must.
Thank you very much for your response. I have been meaning to make another post because I am very happy with my plants they are growing very well. I decided to go with general hydroponics just because it was at the store that I went to and I heard pretty good things. Also thank you for recommending the sick plant guide because I think it will be useful. Is the proper amount of magnesium in the nutrients usually? Or if not how would I ad magnesium to my plant. Som1 told me I need more magnesium but they didnt know how to give it to the plants. Also do you know how to make a journal? I want to but I cant seem to