Hardcore Pets


Well-Known Member
I'd want a hedgehog. They're just so fucking awesome. But down here we can't have them because they're considered exotic.


Well-Known Member
how about a kamodo dragon, that isnt trained, bet it could kick that buff dogs ass..

as well as you..


Active Member
I would hate to live in a world with viper dragons that would fuckin suck good thing that will never happen.......or will it???DUM DUMM DUMMMMMM!!!


Well-Known Member
definitely a Liger...lion/tiger hybrid...a guy i used to work with went to a place that had ligers and had his picture taken with them...and he said that the babies were the cutest thing ever.


Well-Known Member
lmfao mustve gave him steroids or something...damn
That dog actually had a disorder that caused its muscles to grow out of control It is a female and is supposed to be a very sweet dog.

My buddy has two flying squirells. *sugar Gliders" actually. and they are fuckin awesome. they love beer and eat june bugs like theres no tommorow


Well-Known Member
Someone in another post talked about how his buddy had a pet racoon that would smoke weed with him. How intense would that be? 0.o